Matching Necklaces and Earrings: Discovering the High Satisfaction of Rings Among Accessories!
2021.03.20 published
Rings Make My Heart Flutter♡
Hello, I am Haruno Tsuzaki from marry♡
Recently, I bought a ring that I had been wanting for a long time.
Every time it comes into view, it makes me feel happy ♡ This is true for both engagement rings and wedding bands; it really is a happy moment, isn't it? ♡

What Makes Rings Different from Other Jewelry!
In fact, I bought matching earrings and a necklace at the same time as the ring...

I realized something.
I can’t see my earrings or necklace while wearing them!!
Generally, the types of accessories are usually:
✅ Rings
✅ Necklaces
✅ Earrings
Aren’t there basically these three types???
And there are just a handful of people who wear bracelets...
(In my mind, people who wear bracelets (including jewelry-like watches) are true fashionistas or celebrities.)
When I think about necklaces, earrings, and rings, I realized that the only accessory I can always check on myself is the ring.
(You can’t see necklaces and earrings unless you look in a mirror...)
I clearly recognized that the only accessory I see daily is the ring~~~~.