"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"のトップ画像

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"

2021.02.28 published
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Birthday Bears with Different Looks Every Day ♡

A teddy bear is a teddy bear, but a "birthday bear" is a stuffed bear that has the birthday date incorporated somewhere on its body.

Each month or day has different fur colors and accessory parts, which is its characteristic.

Buying two bears, one for yourself and one for your partner, is cute because although they look similar, their designs vary slightly. ♡

"Placing it subtly in the entrance might be soothing."

"It seems nice to display it in the welcome space."

Here are some birthday bears available for purchase online that I thought you'd like! ♡

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"にて紹介している画像

Birthday Bear Available at Rakuten (1)

This is a fluffy birthday bear inspired by the birthstone colors from January to December. ♡

For example, since January's birthstone is garnet, the nose, soles, and stone charm are designed in red.

The adorable little eyes are also charming! ♡

➡ Click here for the product page

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"にて紹介している画像

Birthday Bear Available at Rakuten (2)

This birthday bear is dressed elegantly in a vest with a ribbon tied around its neck. ♡

The bear's fur color changes each month, and there's a date printed at the bottom right of the vest.

➡ Click here for the product page

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"にて紹介している画像

Birthday Bear Available at Rakuten (3)

This birthday bear is raising its hands in joy! ♡

A Swarovski crystal in the birthstone color is embedded in its left ear.

You can also add a name to the soles of its feet, making it lovely to display it sitting in the welcome space at a wedding.

➡ Click here for the product page

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"にて紹介している画像

Birthday Bear Available at Rakuten (4)

This birthday bear also wears a bear-shaped necklace in the birthstone color. ♡

Its cream-colored fur, which makes you want to touch it, and its palm-sized cuteness are delightful.

It seems there is also a heart necklace included.

➡ Click here for the product page

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"にて紹介している画像

If You Love Stuffed Bears ♡

There are many teddy bears sold in the world, but a "birthday bear" inspired by your birthday can become a more special, cute, and beloved item. ♡

I also thought it would be wonderful to order a birthday bear for anniversary celebrations as well! ♡

"Special Feature: Birthday Bears with Unique Designs for Each Date, Available on Rakuten!"にて紹介している画像

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