A "What if Notebook" from Daiso Gaining Popularity to Prevent Causing Trouble for Family in Case of Emergency

2021.06.11 published
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First edition sold out immediately. Do you know about the "Moshimo Notebook"?

Released in March 2021, the Daiso product "Moshimo Notebook" sold out instantly. Do you know about it?

As the name suggests, the Moshimo Notebook is a notebook used to communicate important information to family members in case of "what if" scenarios, such as "passing away," "becoming unable to communicate due to illness," or "having to stay in the hospital for an extended period."

For instance, it includes information about bank accounts, insurance policies, vaccination records for pets, and contact details of important people.

It’s a notebook to prepare for unforeseen circumstances, ensuring that your remaining partner won't have to face unnecessary difficulties. (It feels like a casual ending notebook!)

There are 5 types of "Moshimo Notebook"*

There are five types of Moshimo Notebook available at Daiso.

① Jibun Notebook

(Profile / My History / Passwords and IDs / Financial Matters / Health Matters / Contact List)

② Okane Notebook

(Income and Expenditure List / Bank Accounts / Electronic Money / Credit Cards / Savings and Loans / Insurance and Pensions)

③ Kenko Notebook

(Profile / Regular Doctor / Medical History / Medication Information / Health Check Records / Care Information)

④ Otsukiai Renraku Notebook

(Family and Relatives / Family Tree / Important Dates List / Gift Record / Contact List / Friends)

⑤ Uchi no Ko Notebook

(Profile / Food Information / Care and Maintenance Information / Medical Records / Contact Memo)

While it is of course useful in case of emergencies, it is also a great book to reflect on your own life as you prepare for marriage.

It might be a good idea to have your partner write in it too, preparing for those unexpected moments together. It could be a way to reaffirm that you are becoming a family.

Because you never know when something might happen.

Even if you believe you are healthy, you can't predict when illness, accidents, or disasters might occur. To avoid causing trouble to your remaining family members, it would be reassuring to prepare for these possibilities, especially as you get married.

When it was released in March 2021, it was so popular that it quickly sold out, but by June 2021, it seems that more stores began to restock it.

Be sure to check it out when you visit Daiso!*

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