Beyond Paper and Acrylic! Discover Unique Items Used for Escort Cards Abroad♩

2021.07.10 published
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Escort cards can be something other than paper ♩

Escort cards are prepared to inform guests, "Your seat is at this table."

Escort cards often have the strong image of being made from paper, acrylic, or agate, like name cards.

But it’s okay to use something other than these standard items ♩

You can use everyday items or small objects that you never thought about, so surprising that you might exclaim, "What?! You would use that as an escort card!?"♡

For example ♡ Escort items found at foreign weddings

Chocolate bars ♡

Whole lemons ***

Small potted plants

Serious caricatures of guests ♩

Watercolor-style illustrations too.

Wooden mallets

Whole peaches ♡

Luggage tags ♩

Book & bookmark set *

Shot glasses

Oyster shells

Maracas ♩

Is it a competition of ideas?

At foreign weddings, escort cards were made using items and food that you wouldn't see in Japan ♡

Just looking at them is fun, surprising, and brings a cheerful feeling, and such escort cards seem like they would make guests feel delighted ♩

I would love to take inspiration from these.

➡ Read more articles about escort cards

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