"Remembering the Artists Series: Adorable Sunflowers Named After Van Gogh and Monet!"のトップ画像

"Remembering the Artists Series: Adorable Sunflowers Named After Van Gogh and Monet!"

2021.08.03 published
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Today I Met Sunflowers at the Flower Shop ♡

There are actually many different types of sunflowers. (When including cultivated varieties, there are said to be around 100 types!)

"Remembering the Artists Series: Adorable Sunflowers Named After Van Gogh and Monet!"にて紹介している画像

The sunflowers I found at the flower shop today were called "Van Gogh's Sunflower" and "Monet's Sunflower"*

They seem to be part of a series called "The Artist Series," reminiscent of those famous paintings.

I was so charmed by their lovely names that I wanted to introduce them in detail ♡

① Monet's Sunflower

This sunflower is named after Claude Monet.

It has a lemon yellow appearance, similar to a dandelion.

Sunflowers belong to the daisy family, and indeed, it has a double bloom that resembles a daisy. The center is not brown but features a green to yellow gradient.

(The actual sunflowers painted by Monet look like this. The center is brown, though....!)

➡️ This is a replica *** that is sold with a frame!

"Remembering the Artists Series: Adorable Sunflowers Named After Van Gogh and Monet!"にて紹介している画像

Since Monet's sunflowers don't have a brown center, they lose some of the typical sunflower personality and give an impression that is easy to pair with other flowers.

Whether as a bouquet or in floral arrangements, it can add a lively freshness without being too assertive.

② Van Gogh's Sunflower

The next one I want to introduce is a type of sunflower called "Van Gogh."

Here it is.

Here is the painting of sunflowers by Van Gogh.

(It is also used on the cover of Maharu Harada's book "Revolver.")

Recently, it has even inspired desserts ♡

This is the sunflower afternoon tea at Hyatt Regency Tokyo. The theme is Van Gogh's sunflowers*

This is a hachette dessert from LOUANGE TOKYO Le Musee. It is an artistic dish that expresses Van Gogh's sunflower painting as it is.

And here again is the real "Van Gogh's Sunflower" variety.

It has the quintessential sunflower look, exactly what you'd imagine a sunflower to be!*

There is also a sunflower variety called the "Vincent Series," named after the same Van Gogh painting.♡

(It is a slightly mini size*)

It's nice to have a favorite sunflower ♡

Two sunflowers inspired by famous paintings and artists

✅ Van Gogh's Sunflower

✅ Monet's Sunflower

I introduced them to you*

There are said to be around 100 varieties of sunflowers.

Decorating like this with a mix is also wonderful ♡

I felt that being able to say which variety I particularly like makes me feel like I'm stepping up the ladder of adulthood ♡

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