A Lifesaver for Homes with No Space to Store Futons: A Storage Cover that Transforms Comforters into Cushions
2021.09.26 published
Discovered something amazing.
I came across a product that shocked me with the story on my friend's Instagram: "Wow, I didn't know something like this existed...!"
It's a product that allows you to "put blankets and comforters inside to turn them into cushions."
Did you know something like this existed...??
Certainly, down comforters and blankets can be quite a hassle during the summer.
(Towel blankets can be troublesome during winter)
When living in a small space, there’s nowhere to put them... The idea of rolling them up and making them the filling of a cushion is such a great storage idea! It opened my eyes.

It seems this is available♩
Upon investigation, I found this being sold on Rakuten*
This product has also ranked first in Rakuten's cushion cover ranking.
It has a calm color and is in a cylindrical shape, making it usable as an ottoman as well.
The price is 2,980 yen.
➡️ Here is the Rakuten sales page***
This is another well-selling cushion cover. It has brighter colors and is priced at 4,400 yen. Its size is almost the same as the previous one.
There are also plenty of color variations.
➡️ Here is the Rakuten sales page***
There are also square types of cushion covers.
Some people seem to use them as storage covers, placing them directly under their beds or sofas.
➡️ Here is the Rakuten sales page***
There’s also a type that folds in half to become a sofa, serving as both bedding storage and a cushion cover!
It's incredible that unnecessary bedding during the off-season can turn into a sofa. I wish I had known about this when I was living alone...
➡️ Here is the Rakuten sales page***
A regular-sized cushion cover might work!
I thought it was a brilliant idea to stuff a comforter inside a cushion cover and give unnecessary items a new life.
Besides the covers I introduced, regular-sized cushion covers being sold might also be able to accommodate comforters, so they could be useful!
For those who feel, like me, that "unused bedding is just too annoying!" I urge you to give it a try*