6 Examples of English Thank You Messages for Parents to Use in Parenting Appreciation Certificates
2021.07.21 published
English Messages for Parents
A classic gift for parents, a certificate of gratitude for raising you.
While it’s common to express gratitude in Japanese as if it were an award certificate,
- They speak English
- They enjoy using English
- They understand simple English
For parents like these, it may be lovely to include an easy-to-understand English message that’s neither too short nor too long in the certificate of gratitude for raising you.
Also, if it’s to be displayed as home decor after the wedding, English might look more stylish somehow?

Here are some sample messages for you to refer to.
Example 1
Today a Bride (Groom)
Tomorrow a Wife (Husband)
Forever your Daughter (Son)
The third line can also be “Always your little girl” etc.♡
Today, I become a bride.
Tomorrow, I will be a wife.
But forever, I will always be your child.
Example 2
Thank you for your unending support,
guidance, patience,
and infinite Love.
Thank you for your endless support,
for your guidance, for your patience,
and for your infinite love.
Example 3
You've taught me, supported me
& have always been there
when I needed you.
You have taught me and supported me.
And you have always been there
when I needed you.
Example 4
Thank you for being
a Wonderful Mother
and for showing me
what it means to be a good wife.
Thank you for being a wonderful mother.
And thank you for showing me
what it means to be a good wife.
Example 5
Getting married doesn't change the fact
I'm still your little girl.
Thank you for being my role model.
Even though I’m getting married, the fact that I’m your daughter remains unchanged.
Thank you for being my role model.
Example 6
You held me first,
You loved me first,
and my heart will always be tied to yours.
You are the one who held me first.
You are the one who loved me first.
Our hearts will always be connected.
An English message also seems nice
At overseas weddings, especially the message “Today a Bride” etc. seems to be a standard, and many brides were seen writing it on handkerchiefs or letters.
Besides the certificate of gratitude for raising you,
- You can use it for a message card accompanying the bouquet
- You can have a message written on the dessert plate
It could also be used for the chapel movie that the family watches before the ceremony, inserting English messages for parents seems to be a great idea!♩