"Can You Really Do This...? A Shocking Collection of Brand Ribbon Remake Ideas"

2021.08.02 published
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Brand Ribbons Lying at Home

When shopping or receiving gifts, ribbons and wrapping paper are inherently beautiful and hard to throw away, but with luxury brands, they are even more impossible to discard.

Don't you have a lot of brand ribbons tucked away in your home closet or drawers?

(I do...)

"Can You Really Do This...? A Shocking Collection of Brand Ribbon Remake Ideas"にて紹介している画像

I thought I couldn't throw them away but had no use for them... However, I discovered that crafty individuals are utilizing them to create all sorts of things.

Here are some amazing ways to use and repurpose brand ribbons that I found on Instagram♩

Ways to Utilize Brand Ribbons**

✅ Using them directly as hair accessories is a bit of a classic. The red Cartier ribbon is cute♡

Isn't it romantic to use the ribbon that was tied around the box when you bought your wedding or engagement ring as a hair accessory...?♡

✅ As a choker. I feel like it was popular among young people.

✅ Here, a brand ribbon is used on a tote bag♡

The actual item is miniature size, about the size of a keychain! Amazing!♡

✅ This seems to be sewn onto a usable size for adults; it looks like it's attached to a MUJI jute bag. What a great idea♡

✅ Sewing a Louis Vuitton ribbon onto a brown drawstring bag. The string is also blue, matching the colors perfectly.

✅ A Chanel ribbon on a fluffy chain bag*

✅ Wrapping Hermès ribbon around a storage basket♡

✅ A Jimmy Choo ribbon casually wrapped around slippers; such a subtle and stylish way to use it.

✅ An Hermès ribbon also on a barrette. It seems you can create this by sticking felt to the base of a 100-yen store barrette and then attaching the ribbon on top.

✅ An idea of attaching a Gucci ribbon to a mask*

✅ Also as a cute accessory for dogs♡

✅ Attaching a ribbon to a button to make a hair tie*

✅ A hair tie made directly from the ribbon itself*

✅ Attaching it to a U-pin is also a clever idea〜〜.

✅ Amazingly, there’s an idea of sewing it onto a cushion. How wonderful it is to be able to make a cushion with your favorite brand's ribbon!

✅ This one was so amazing that I was shocked. A brand ribbon on a lampshade...!

✅ Using it for miniature outfits for stuffed animals is also fun♡

✅ And here’s a surprising idea: adding a Louis Vuitton ribbon as a stripe on the side of a sweatshirt. I was astonished. Amazing....!

To think you can make so many things with brand ribbons!

It's so hard to throw away those high-brand ribbons.

I learned that there are people using them in such creative ways...!

Crafting is enjoyable, and once you get into it, you may not want to stop.

Give it a try with the ribbons lying around at your home♡

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