"Just Drink It and Suppress Your Appetite? The Korean Herbal Diet Supplement 'Kuhyulmaru' is Gaining Popularity!"

2021.08.26 published
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A Little Curious About "Konghimal"

Right now, the Korean diet herbal medicine "Konghimal" seems to be trending among dieters and models.

It is pronounced as (Kongbi-hwan) in Korean.

This Konghimal is a herbal medicine created by a Korean clinic specializing in diet, called Jirindang, located in Myeongdong, Seoul.

(By the way, a Korean clinic is like a hospital where doctors with national qualifications work, but they can only prescribe herbal medicine, not Western medicine. Many Korean clinics focus on improving constitution issues such as cold sensitivity and shoulder stiffness, weight management, and skin treatments.)


Diet "supplements" are often seen in advertisements and pharmacies, and some people may have tried them, but many may not have ventured into diet "herbs" made from 100% natural ingredients.

When it comes to herbal medicine, there is a strong image of being bitter or unpleasant to taste, and while it seems good for the body, it may lack immediate effects...

So, what exactly is this trending "Konghimal"? How does it work for weight loss? How good is it? I researched it.

Supposedly Reduces Hunger *

Konghimal is a granular (pill) type herbal medicine. Many may have a negative perception of powder types since they require water for consumption, but small pills are definitely easier to take.

The expected feature is, of course, [the ability to suppress appetite].

According to Korean medicine, feeling hungry is caused by an increase in gastric heat. Therefore, it seems that it contains ingredients that lower this heat and thus reduce appetite.

That's why in real tweets and Instagram posts, there are many comments saying, "I don't feel hungry," and "I lost my appetite."

Being able to control the appropriate amount of food for dieting without considering food restrictions to be tough, and reducing snacking can indeed be appreciated.

For those who find "not being able to eat what I want" and "having to endure is painful" to be the hardest part of dieting, it may definitely be worth trying.

However, it is well-known that cooling the stomach and intestines can lower immunity, which made me wonder if it’s really good for the body... But upon researching, it turns out that Konghimal also has features like boosting metabolism and improving bowel regularity.

There are actual side effects such as nausea, bloating, dry mouth, and trembling, but if one can accept that all medicines have some degree of side effects, it might be okay to take it.

What Do People Who Actually Take Konghimal Say?

On Twitter, there are people who report their daily weights and body fat, so be sure to check that out as a reference.

➡ Twitter "Konghimal" Search Results

Online Prescription via LINE *

Jirindang, which makes Konghimal, is a Korean clinic in Myeongdong, but it can also be purchased online from Japan.

The process to purchase is a bit unique.

First, you need to register on the official LINE account and enter your weight and other details in the form sent to you (this serves as an initial consultation). You then receive a prescription for a type of medicine that suits you from among five different herbal types.

You can purchase a month's worth for around 30,000 yen, including shipping via EMS.

➡ You can register for Jirindang's LINE here

Thinking of Trying It...??

The Korean diet herbal medicine "Konghimal" has appetite-suppressing effects.

Dieting can be tough and often doesn't yield results, and many people may have tried various methods without much success...

But this herbal medicine diet seems fresh and might last longer. I definitely want to try it at least once.

➡ Jirindang's Official Website

➡ Instagram

➡ Ameba Blog

➡ Twitter

Marry Members Also Tried It ♡

Some marry members were also curious about diet herbal medicines, so they tried AB Clinic's AB Pill for two months!

One person lost about 4kg... and another improved their constipation and became healthier...!

For more details, please check this article out too ♡

➡ I Heard It Suppresses Hunger and Naturally Leads to Smaller Portions. Tried the Popular Diet Herbal AB Pill in the Beauty Circle and Actually Took It!

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