Did You Know? Let's Learn About the Wonderful Origin Behind First Bites! ♡のトップ画像

Did You Know? Let's Learn About the Wonderful Origin Behind First Bites! ♡

2015.06.05 published
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What is the origin of the First Bite?

The First Bite is a lovely tradition where the bride and groom feed each other a piece of the wedding cake after the cake cutting at the wedding reception. This practice has been held in the West for a long time, and "bite" in English means "to nibble."

Did You Know? Let's Learn About the Wonderful Origin Behind First Bites! ♡にて紹介している画像

Does the First Bite have any meaning?

Hearing that the couple simply feeds each other cake makes it seem very sweet and heartwarming, doesn't it? ♩

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However, it embodies not just their love for each other, but also very romantic sentiments! ♡

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Feeding each other ♡ What does it mean?

The groom feeding the bride means "I will never let you go hungry," while the bride feeding the groom signifies "I will always make delicious food for you." ♩

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The beautiful sentiment behind the First Bite ♡ Is a bigger cake better?

For the groom feeding the bride, it’s important that the piece is small enough for her to easily eat in one bite. *

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For the bride feeding the groom, let’s make the piece large enough that it won’t fit in one bite! ♩ The groom's struggles and whipped cream on his face will surely bring laughter to the occasion. ♡

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Create lasting memories ♡ Prepare original spoons and forks! ♩

The spoons and forks for the First Bite should be memorable items. * You’ll want to choose your favorite designs to commemorate the day! ♡ It would be lovely to have matching cake servers as well. ♩

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Designs with Mr. & Mrs. engravings or messages of love like "I love you" are adorable! ♡

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It’s also wonderful to have designs celebrating anniversaries or messages like "I do" and "me too." I’d love to share breakfast every morning using these forks together! ♩

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Many brides-to-be are buying big spoons for the First Bite ♡

The big version of the spoon, mainly used for the bride to feed the groom, is very popular! ♡ It’s sure to become a cherished memento for the couple!

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Feeding each other with large forks and spoons makes it feel like you’ve turned into little fairies, which is such a fun touch! ♩

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"Show us an example" - a First Bite between generations ♩

Sometimes, prior to the couple's First Bite, they might ask their parents to show an example. *

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The moment of the couple feeding each other cake is a perfect photo opportunity! ♩

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The First Bite is a ceremony to pledge happiness together ♡

The First Bite that you often see at weddings carries this romantic significance, doesn't it? ♡ Just knowing its meaning will undoubtedly deepen the bond when you do the First Bite. *

Did You Know? Let's Learn About the Wonderful Origin Behind First Bites! ♡にて紹介している画像

Let's prepare a cute cake along with adorable forks and spoons, and share a loving First Bite! ♡

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