Stylish Design Ideas to Imitate: First Character with a Stamp, Subsequent Characters with Print
2021.10.20 published
The First Character is a Stamp, the Rest are Printed DIY*
I found a somewhat unusual DIY idea using alphabet stamps that I want you to see when making paper items.
That is.......
✓ Only the first character is stamped in gold alphabet stamps,
✓ and the remaining characters are printed in regular black.
In other words, it's an arrangement that changes the color and font of the initial letter and the rest of the letters. ♡
To make it, for example, if you're creating a request card, first print just " equest" in black.
After printing, stamp the initial "R" to complete it! ♡
The unique ink impression of the stamp and the texture of the printed letters are different, making their combination stylish. ♩
"Guest Card"
"Yuki" "Naoya" (place cards)
"Table 1" (escort cards)
"Save the Date"
This is an idea you'd want to adopt for various paper items! ♡
Alphabet Stamps Are Available at 100 Yen Shops*
You can get alphabet stamps at 100 yen shops. Since various designs of stamps are sold, you may want to check out several stores and purchase your favorite ones that are close to your image.
<Alphabet Stamps from Daiso>
<Alphabet Stamps from Can Do>
<Alphabet Stamps from Seria>
<Alphabet Stamps from Flying Tiger>
Recommended Matching Fonts*
For the printed text from the second character onward, a block-style font that is easy to read but has a bit of a stylish feel would be suitable.
I have selected five fonts for reference.
(To make it easier to visualize, the initial "R" is matched with a common Mincho type font.)
① Heading Pro Wide
② Caviar-Dreams
③ Bodoni FLF
④ Limelight
⑤ Made Bon voyage