Stamp Enthusiast Service "Stamaganet" - Collect Stamps from 230 Countries Including France and the UK!
2021.10.22 published
It's Stylish to Use Foreign Stamps on Hand-Delivered Invitations
An idea that’s popular for hand-delivered invitations is to affix foreign stamps on the outside of the envelope.
Since foreign stamps are not something we are used to seeing, they feel fresh and unique. You might think, “Did they buy this while traveling abroad? How lovely that they’re using it for the invitation!” They feel like a rare and precious item, adding a special touch.
Moreover, while there are various designs of stamps, many of them are antique and stylish, unmistakably non-Japanese at a glance. This adds to their charm.
When you arrange and attach several of them together, it resembles a genuine airmail from overseas.
If You Want to Purchase Foreign Stamps
If you want to buy foreign stamps, I recommend this online shop. It’s an online stamp store called "Stamgaga Net," run by Yuushuu Service Co.
Yuushuu Service Co. is a specialized company for philately (the hobby of collecting stamps and postmarks). It is a non-profit organization.
Their main clients are surprisingly the postal ministries of various countries around the world.
Their main business involves retail and wholesale of valuable old stamps to the latest issued stamps, selling stamps from around the world acquired through unique channels to enthusiasts.
Since 1985, they have been publishing a monthly catalog magazine called "Stamp Magazine," and in 1996, they opened the "Stamp Museum" in Mejiro, Tokyo.
It is a well-known company that no one involved in philately would be unaware of.
This stamp online shop, "Stamgaga Net," has been running since 2006, and the site is filled with stamps from 230 different countries you may have never seen before.
Here are some examples to introduce
French Stamps
(Lots of designs featuring The Little Prince and paintings)

German Stamps
(Including commemorative stamps from events like the victory in the World Cup!)

British Stamps
(Featuring Harry Potter, Paul McCartney, Queen, and more!)

Stamps from Other Regions too
While there are many stamps from Europe, you can collect stamps from North and South America, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Middle East.