"Throwing Wigs Instead of Broccoli! Ideas to Make the After Ceremony More Fun with Afrotos"

2022.08.29 published
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Afro Toss? 👨🏻‍🦱

When it comes to entertaining male guests during a groom-centered after ceremony, the broccoli toss is famous, but...

There seems to be an idea called "Afro Toss" where instead of broccoli, an afro wig is thrown.

Indeed, the fluffy texture and rounded shape of an afro might resemble broccoli a little, right?

So while you might expect a broccoli toss, guests would be surprised if an afro comes flying out.

Since it's an act to generate laughter, if there are many lively friends or sporty guests, the reactions will surely be big, and it could turn into a lively event like a second party.

Guests who catch the afro will wear it and take photos with the bride and groom.

(There are actually such big afros too 😳)

Guests who received the afro should be given equivalent gifts or vouchers, like gift cards, afterwards.

How to Toss?

For the Afro Toss, it's okay to throw the afro wig as it is, but since it's meant to be worn, it wouldn't be nice if it falls on the floor, and throwing it bare might be a bit dull... so wrapping it might be a good idea.

To prevent just the afro from flying away, it would be good to secure it with wire, tie it to a straw, or wrap it in clear plastic.

(From a distance, it might even look like a fluffy black fruit bouquet...?)

It's also recommended to throw 2-3 afros simultaneously for multiple people to catch.

(This way, guests might not feel embarrassed when it comes time for photos)

Preparing colorful afros in rainbow or blue colors, instead of just black, also sounds fun.

Want to Suggest Afro Toss to Him?

Afro Toss seems suitable for grooms who enjoy a lively atmosphere, have fun friends, and want to create laughter.

It's a bit surreal and funny, and doing it during the post-ceremony might lighten the mood.

If you think it sounds fun and good, definitely suggest it to him!

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