A Cute Flower Pumpkin for Halloween♡

2022.10.03 published
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I Want to Decorate for Halloween ♡

When it comes to Halloween decorations, using pumpkins to make jack-o'-lanterns is the classic choice.

With eyes and mouth painted black, they have a scary face that seems to say, “I’m going to play a trick!”

However, I learned that overseas parties feature something called the 【Flower Pumpkin】, which uses the same pumpkins but with a completely different vibe. ♡

No scary elements at all!

Just as the name suggests, a Flower Pumpkin is a cute decorative item where flowers are arranged on a pumpkin. ♡

How to Make It *

I found a video that explains how to make a Flower Pumpkin very well, so I’d like to share it.

Stick flowers into a hole drilled in the middle of the pumpkin.

Cut off the top of the pumpkin, scoop out the insides and seeds, fill it with sponge, and then insert the flowers.

Using Light-Colored Pumpkins is Cute ♡

While using orange pumpkins for jack-o'-lanterns is traditional, I think using bright, light-colored pumpkins for Flower Pumpkins results in a cuter finish. ♡


They might also be cute for table decorations at a wedding around Halloween time.




Natural-style Flower Pumpkin.








Which look do you prefer: flowers arranged in between or on top?

Even with Orange Pumpkins ♡

Flower Pumpkins made from orange pumpkins are pop and definitely feel like Halloween! ♡









Will You Try Making It This Halloween?

During the Halloween season, more people overseas start making Flower Pumpkins. ♡

If there are decorations like these flowers and pumpkins at a home party, it would be amazing! ♡

I really want to try making them...!

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