Recommended for use starting 1.5 months before the actual event! A lip-specific cleansing product from Korea that removes dead skin cells with its plump bubbles.
2022.11.01 published
[Bridal Beauty] Do You Take Care of Your Lips?
Many brides-to-be are likely focusing on skincare and dieting as their wedding day approaches, but when you look at each part of the body individually, it seems that many may not give much attention to their lips.
Indeed, lips are often thought of as:
"If I just put on lipstick, it'll be fine..."
"If I want to moisturize, I can just put on lip balm."
Because of this mindset, it's possible that many have never felt the need to take special care of their lips until now.
However, recently, there are many dedicated lip care products that seem really great, so it might be a good idea to try them as part of bridal beauty!
It would be wonderful if we could make our lips prettier, more plump and hydrated, leading to better lipstick application.
I'm Curious About Bubi Bubi Lip
Have you heard of Bubi Bubi Lip, a lip-specific cleansing product from Korean cosmetics?
Once you hear the name, it’s unforgettable!*
This pink packaging can be found in variety stores like LOFT and drugstores, so many of you might have seen it.
The name is quite distinctive.
By the way, it's Bubi Bubi, not Buhi Buhi! 🐷
Developed by UNPA, a Korean company that originally managed one of the leading cosmetic review sites in South Korea, Bubi Bubi Lip was created by analyzing data from approximately 1 million user reviews to determine what was truly desired.
(It seems that this company is also well-regarded by the German manufacturer Beiersdorf, known for Nivea.)
Exfoliate and Smooth Your Lips
Bubi Bubi Lip is a cleansing product specifically for lips and has gained attention for exfoliating dead skin and leaving lips smooth.
First, when you apply the gel onto your lips, within about 5 minutes, bubbles start to form and expand with a popping sound. During this process, the old skin cells get softened and rise to the surface.
Once the bubbling subsides, you can massage with your fingers, and little white particles will appear.
These particles contain the old skin cells, making it possible to thoroughly clean your lips.
This has even been featured on Korean shows.
Here’s how it looks when you actually use it.