A brand of flower bouquets that allows you to choose flowers from stories for proposals and anniversaries, F. [éf] ♡
2022.11.14 published
Recommended Florists for Proposal Bouquets♡
Receiving flowers from your partner on proposal day, registration day, birthday, or wedding anniversary is truly delightful, isn't it?♡
Among my friends,
"When I was proposed to, I was so moved to tears because he surprised me with flowers along with the ring... He wasn’t the type to give flowers before... 🥺"
Many friends share similar stories.
Flowers are beautiful and bring joy. You can feel the unconditional love that he thought of you... it's a really happy gift.
For men who are planning a proposal, please consider arranging a bouquet to give on the day, along with the engagement ring.♡
Here are recommended florists for buying proposal bouquets.
F. [éf] (Éf)
A brand of bouquets.
Choose a bouquet based on the story♡
Éf is a bit different from ordinary florists.
They only offer three designs of bouquets at any given time!
Each of these three bouquets is stylishly and cutely designed, using flowers that have wonderful meanings and backgrounds.
Each bouquet comes with a story of "this flower has this meaning and this background..."
Men can choose a bouquet whose story resonates with the message they want to convey to their partner♩
Usually, at a regular florist, you might communicate your purpose, image, or color and get a somewhat random bouquet...
(Many men might not even know how to order a bouquet in the first place.)
Being able to decide on a bouquet based on the flower language and the story is something I’ve never heard of before. It's wonderful to be able to cherish emotions when choosing flowers.
If you could convey "This has this meaning," it would be very touching.
Which one to choose?
The designs and flower materials used in the three bouquets for sale change depending on the season,
for example, the three types sold in October 2022 were these♡
First, this one is the most recommended for proposals♡
(To the star of happiness.)
It features dahlias, which have a dazzling beauty resembling a bride at a wedding, and classpedia, which symbolizes "eternal happiness," making it the perfect bouquet for a celebratory day.
![A brand of flower bouquets that allows you to choose flowers from stories for proposals and anniversaries, F. [éf] ♡にて紹介している画像](https://imgs.marry-xoxo.com/uploads/image/file/340959/compressed_0eceef2f-9ae9-4e9f-9701-c5ff1368edff.png)
The others are...
(Pure white. Straightforward.)
![A brand of flower bouquets that allows you to choose flowers from stories for proposals and anniversaries, F. [éf] ♡にて紹介している画像](https://imgs.marry-xoxo.com/uploads/image/file/340958/compressed_f62bd6a0-4b88-467b-bfa8-17b4743716a2.png)
(The path is uniquely yours.)
![A brand of flower bouquets that allows you to choose flowers from stories for proposals and anniversaries, F. [éf] ♡にて紹介している画像](https://imgs.marry-xoxo.com/uploads/image/file/340960/compressed_5dc6219e-d192-4a56-acd6-ef1a15a8cd3b.png)