How to Cute Keep Bouquets and Wedding Bouquets ♡ A Special Feature on [Pressed Flower] Preservation Methods Found Abroad 🌸

2023.03.09 published
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Preserving Wedding Bouquets as Dried Flowers ♡

Many people tend to decorate with dried flowers by turning the bouquet received during a proposal or the wedding bouquet into an after-bouquet 🌸

(You could have part of the bouquet made as preserved flowers and do the rest as pressed flowers yourself ♡)

In this article, we will focus on how to decorate after turning them into pressed flowers.

In Japan, it is common to arrange pressed flowers like a bouquet and put them in a frame, but there are many other cute ways to display them abroad ♡

Pressed Flower Display Ideas Found on Foreign Accounts ♡

First, the classic method: placing pressed flowers in a photo frame. Instead of arranging them like the wedding bouquet, it’s cute to arrange them in a flower field image ♡

Imagine making several small wedding bouquets ♡

Creating initials or heart shapes in the center of the arranged pressed flowers is a new idea.

It’s also wonderful to cut out your own photos and display them together ♡

Another amazing idea is to display them in a large frame that can be hung on the wall instead of a small photo frame.

It becomes the centerpiece of your room's decor!

It's stylish to display them in a brass glass frame, which has recently gained popularity in Japan. The open arch-shaped brass frame is adorable ♡

There’s also the idea of processing pressed flowers into a waist belt and hanging them like a curtain.

Here’s how it looks displayed with a curtain. Isn't it amazing!

An idea to decorate a hand mirror ♡

Displaying them on a round acrylic plate, turning into ornaments or coasters ♡

Many Cute Display Ideas ♡

We shared ideas for displaying pressed flowers from foreign accounts 🌸

Looking at various ways to display them, imagine how to decorate with the flowers filled with memories ♡

➡ Here are more articles about After Bouquets*

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