# Suggestion

If you don't want to create a profile book, how about making a profile panel? ♡のトップ画像

# Suggestion If you don't want to create a profile book, how about making a profile panel? ♡

2022.11.22 published
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I Don't Want to Make a Profile Book...!

I'm on that side too.

Are there any brides who feel "I don't want to make a profile book"?

It's not because they don't want to reveal their profiles or show pre-wedding photos...

I'm just worried that if I distribute the profile books to the guests, they might struggle with what to do with them afterward. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they threw them away immediately, but since they contain photos, I think it would be hard to just toss them. So, I'm kind of considering not making one...

Are there others who feel the same way?

# Suggestion

If you don't want to create a profile book, how about making a profile panel? ♡にて紹介している画像

[Suggestion] How about a Profile Panel? ♡

Here’s a suggestion for those brides!

Instead of a profile book, how about making a [profile panel]?

The structure is similar to a profile book, but instead of distributing booklets to guests, you can display it like a welcome board in the welcome space or at the entrance or corner of the reception venue.

This way, you won't have to worry about the inconvenience of guests needing to dispose of the profile book and can still let them see the same content as in the profile book.

Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

There are brides who are actually doing this ♡

I discovered a bride who is actually creating a profile panel, so I asked her about it!

Yuki (@_uu_0312) held her wedding separately for family and friends, conducting the ceremony twice.

For her family wedding, she thought that many would likely keep the profile book after the wedding, so she created one to hand out.

For her friends' wedding, she thought it might be a burden to receive a profile book, so instead of giving one, she prepared a large profile panel in the welcome space!

She mentioned that this also served as a conversation starter for her friends who gathered after a long time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ♡

Indeed, if it were a profile book, each person would likely read it silently at their seats, but with a welcome panel, it seems like groups could gather and talk while viewing it!


When I asked Yuki if there was anything she wondered about when preparing the profile panel, she said,

"Fortunately, there were friends who expressed a desire for the profile book, so I should have prepared booklet versions for handing out as well!"

There might indeed be people who want it, so having booklets ready could make them happy! ♡

# Suggestion

If you don't want to create a profile book, how about making a profile panel? ♡にて紹介している画像

Additionally, Yuki changed the content of the profile book/panel for her family wedding and her friends' wedding.

For her family wedding, she focused on the story of their childhood to the present, while for her friends' wedding, she emphasized the story of how they met! ♡

It's impressive how she thought about including content that would interest and please her guests. ♡

Here is what Yuki actually displayed on her welcome panel.

Top left: Photo of the venue (Cover)

Top right: Greetings and photo contest announcement

Bottom left: Profile and pre-wedding photos

Bottom right: Travel memories

"Oh, there's going to be a photo contest!" "The pre-wedding photos are beautiful ♡” "I remember getting a souvenir when we met after returning from Italy~" It seems like the content would spark excitement among the guests! ♡

# Suggestion

If you don't want to create a profile book, how about making a profile panel? ♡にて紹介している画像

A Profile Panel might be a good idea ♡

I shared the idea of preparing a profile panel as an alternative to a profile book! ♡

For those who feel a bit hesitant about handing out profile books to guests, incorporating this idea might be a good option! ♡

Since there may be a large number of guests who can't thoroughly see the profile panel, or those who want a booklet, it might also be a good idea to prepare a QR code linking to a digital version (PDF, etc.) so that it can be viewed on smartphones!

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