The naming sense is amazing ♡ This bouquet is said to be called 'Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake Bouquet' in Korea.

2022.12.08 published
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The Cute White and Red Bouquet 🍓

I discovered a bouquet with a cute color combination on a Korean flower shop's Instagram.

Here it is.

It's a bouquet tied with white and red flowers, resembling a dessert ♡

It seems to be called the 'Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake Bouquet' among Korean florists.

The colors are a perfect match for a shortcake, which is amazing ♡

By the way, isn't the name "Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake Bouquet" just too cute?

The flower shop petit à petit flower studio in Seoul (@petit_a_petit_flower) is probably the first to call it that...

I was captivated by that name ♡

About the Types of Flowers

A color palette reminiscent of shortcake, affectionately known as the Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake Bouquet 🍓

For brides who want to create a bouquet like this, let me introduce the types of flowers.

First, it's a rule of thumb to use red globe amaranth (Sennichikou) for the red flowers.

The red flower globe amaranth, also known as Strawberry Fields, looks just like a round fruit similar to a strawberry.

There are no specific rules for the white flowers, so let's explore various types.

For example, combining white gerbera and daisies ♡

Combining white roses, gerberas, and astilbe ♡

Adding a moderate amount of greenery is lovely, too.

A bouquet featuring white gerbera, astilbe, and tulips ♡

A bouquet of small daisies combined with globe amaranth ♡

I thought mixing in pink gerbera enhances the strawberry cream feel ♡

White hydrangeas are also used for the white flowers.

I also found a basket-type Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake Bouquet.

It has stylish white four o'clock flowers shaped like stars.

I thought it would also be nice to combine with other white flowers like:

🍓 White calla lilies

🍓 White campanula

🍓 White lilies

🍓 White lisianthus

And more.

Also Perfect for Wedding Bouquets ♡

A bouquet tied with white flowers and red globe amaranth, reminiscent of shortcake.

In Korea, some brides actually carry it as a wedding bouquet ♡

It would make for a cute coordination when used as a bouquet for a wedding dress, blending perfectly with the pure white color,

And it also adds a sense of link during the cake cutting or the first bite at the wedding ♡

I thought it would be wonderful to use the same materials for tabletop floral arrangements!

From now on, when you get a bouquet or floral arrangement made, make sure to show the photos from this article to your florist and order a 'Strawberry Whipped Cream Cake Bouquet'! ♡

➡ Check out the list of bouquet articles here

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