Just by placing it in a rice cooker or pot, you can easily supplement your iron deficiency 🍳. I'm curious about the [iron egg] 🐣.

2023.09.02 published
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Concerns About Iron Deficiency

Iron Deficiency Often Mentioned for Women and Children

When iron is deficient, it can trigger various symptoms such as anemia, headaches, fatigue, tiredness, and shortness of breath.

I've been told since my school days that I have iron deficiency, and I do try to actively consume natto and spinach in my daily life, but I have a rather relaxed attitude about it—sometimes I remember to be careful, but not always. (I can't eat liver as I don't like it....)

Knowing that children also often face iron deficiency, I'm trying to provide my 1-year-old daughter with as many iron-rich foods as possible, but honestly, I'm not very confident that she's getting enough.

Just by placing it in a rice cooker or pot, you can easily supplement your iron deficiency 🍳. I'm curious about the [iron egg] 🐣.にて紹介している画像

Easily Supplement Iron ♡

This is just a guess, but I believe many people, like me, are somewhat aware that women and children are prone to iron deficiency and take some cautious steps. However, I think there are few who are really conscious about it (like taking supplements).

Symptoms like fatigue, mild lightheadedness, or headaches can have other causes, making it hard to immediately link them to iron deficiency.

For those, like me, who might not need urgent solutions but are concerned about iron deficiency, there's an amazing item to discover.

This is a chunk of iron called "iron tamago" or "tetsutamago"*.

Just Add It to Your Rice Cooker or Pot ♡

The way to use this chunk of iron is simple: just put it in the rice cooker or in hot water. A little iron dissolves in the water and gets absorbed by the rice or ingredients in the pot, allowing for easy iron intake.

(Adding this won't affect the color or taste of your food.)

A similar product is the "tetsubin," which is a cast-iron kettle. When you boil water in a tetsubin, it results in iron-rich water. It's efficient and good, but it can be heavy and somewhat inconvenient.

If you usually boil water from scratch to drink, it might be easy for you, but for cooking, water would need to be boiled in the tetsubin first, which can be a hassle.

In contrast, with "iron tamago" or "tetsutama," you can directly place it in the rice cooker or pot, making it stress-free. Of course, you can also put it in a kettle!

Its compact size is a plus, so it won't take up much space in the kitchen ♡

Various Variations Available ♡

There are various variations of "iron tamago" and "tetsubin."

The most famous one is the iron tamago.

Easy-to-hold ring type*

Rilakkuma ♡

Snoopy and Charlie Brown ♡

Hello Kitty ♡

Doraemon ♡

Sumikko Gurashi ♡

Flowers ♡

Supplement Iron for 1000 Yen ♡

All iron tamago and tetsutama are around 1000 yen.

Since their iron content is lower than that of supplements, it might be difficult to treat severe iron deficiency, but if putting it in your daily cooking can help supplement iron deficiency, there's no reason not to use it*

Maintenance is simply wiping it down after use to prevent rust, so there's nothing cumbersome about it.

At just 1000 yen, it's easy to buy, iron dissolves very slowly, and it can be used semi-permanently, so definitely give it a try ♡

➡ You can purchase the [iron tamago] for 1000 yen on Rakuten ♡

➡ There are various variations available*

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