Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?のトップ画像

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?

2023.05.10 published
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Do you know about "Celebration Envelope Remake"?

This idea has been a standard in the bridal community for many years...

Do you know what "Celebration Envelope Remake" is?

Celebration Envelope Remake refers to the act of repurposing the celebration envelopes and mizuhiki received as gifts for weddings into memorabilia or small envelopes.

The mizuhiki of the celebration envelope can be combined like this ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

It's a bit hard to throw away the celebration envelope you received, but just leaving it as is can be bulky and only become clutter in your drawer, so it's wonderful to be able to reuse it.

Now, let me introduce some actual "Celebration Envelope Remakes" that people are doing*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

<Celebration Envelope Remake Ideas> Memorabilia

First, let's introduce ideas for keeping celebration envelopes as memorabilia.

One idea is to fold part of the celebration envelope into a diamond shape and use it as a background, decorating the center with mizuhiki*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

It’s nice to gather everything into one, but making two or three pieces separated by the groom's side (blue) and the bride's side (red or pink) is also unified and lovely ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

This bride made three pieces in blue, red, and gold (bouquet design)*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

(The scene of folding part of the celebration envelope into a diamond shape)

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

(Video on how to fold a three-dimensional diamond shape)

Here, the mizuhiki is designed in the shape of a bouquet on a canvas board ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

Using white, pink, and gold mizuhiki to create a glamorous round bouquet ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

A bouquet made mainly of white mizuhiki.

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

The three-dimensional flower made of mizuhiki is wonderful*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

A colorful clutch bouquet design*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

A design that combines mizuhiki into a wreath ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

This piece uses about 30 mizuhiki.

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

This piece uses 85 mizuhiki ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

<Celebration Envelope Remake Ideas> Reuse

Next, let's introduce ideas for remaking celebration envelopes into small envelopes or chopstick sleeves for reuse.

An idea to make part of the celebration envelope small enough for a small envelope size. It looks perfect for new year's money envelopes*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

I wonder which part of the celebration envelope to keep...!

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

Keeping part of the mizuhiki or the ribbon adds a touch of elegance.

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

An idea for making chopstick sleeves. It would be lovely to use them every year during the New Year.

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

Here’s an idea to turn the mizuhiki into a doll and helmet. It's amazing to use the celebration envelope from the wedding for your child's seasonal decorations ♡

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

Combining upward and downward mizuhiki to make it look like a helmet is such a new idea*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

I want to try "Celebration Envelope Remake"

Ideas to create memorabilia or utilize celebration envelopes as small envelopes or chopstick sleeves using the envelopes received as gifts♡

It's hard to throw them away, and leaving them as they are can be bulky.

Let's cherish the guests' celebratory feelings by turning them into memorabilia or reusing them*

Keeping the congratulatory envelope received from guests as a memento 💌 What are the recent trends in "congratulatory envelope remakes"?にて紹介している画像

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