At first glance, everyone understands! The profile book in the style of the magazine "Popeye" is trending. Here, we introduce the content created by brides.

2023.05.18 published
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Men's Magazine "POPEYE"

Have you ever read the men's fashion magazine "POPEYE"?

It's a magazine for city boys that delivers content on fashion, lifestyle, and culture.

This round, pop font logo is quite striking, isn't it? 📗

This is the final edition of the special issue.

Inside, it looks like this*

"POPEYE-style" Profile Books Are Trending!

Recently, it seems that among stylish brides and grooms, creating profile books in the "POPEYE style" has become fashionable.

There have been various trends for profile books, from Disney-inspired TODAY styles to those with fewer words resembling albums, but lately, there's a trend for profile books that have "a lot of text and photos to really engage the reader," with designs in the style of POPEYE ♡

Let me introduce you to the types of profile books being created ♡

<POPEYE-style Profile Book>

The cover in the POPEYE style is characterized by:

✅ "WEDDING" in POPEYE's rounded font

✅ A catchy tagline at the top

✅ A large photo (either a single large image or a collage)

✅ Magazine for 〇〇. (A playful twist on the "City Boys." part from the original)

✅ Publication month, issue number, and price

These elements are standard ♡

Here’s a cover that features a large single photo.

This one has a collage cover ♡

It’s also cute to include a lot of photos in a Polaroid-like atmosphere*

The spine is also important.

It includes the barcode, publisher, price, publication date, address, and more.

This bride designed her book similarly to vintage POPEYE, as she was inspired by it* (The last photo in a multi-post entry features it.)

The pages titled "City Boy's ABC" and "City Girl's ABC" are cute in this POPEYE-style profile book ♡

The menu page being titled "Cooking Talk" instead of just "Menu" adds a nice POPEYE touch.

The retro illustrations are lovely too*

There are pages filled with content like "Our Wedding" and "Our Various Topics" that are quite engaging to read*

This bride has dedicated a page to showcasing the DIY wedding items she created. Each item is illustrated in a cut-out photo style, giving it a magazine-like feel.

Here’s another example!

Focusing on POPEYE-style Profile Books ♡

We've introduced profile books in the style of the magazine "POPEYE"*

With a pop cover and rich content, POPEYE-style profile books are interesting and engaging even from a guest's perspective*

For brides and grooms planning to create their profile books from scratch, consider taking inspiration from "POPEYE" 📚

I think it would be great to purchase a copy for design reference ♡

➡ Past issues can also be purchased electronically!

➡ Check out other profile book articles here*

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