Nice idea!👏 Changing our profile introduction section to "Introducing Others" is wonderful!📘のトップ画像

Nice idea!👏 Changing our profile introduction section to "Introducing Others" is wonderful!📘

2023.06.29 published
A2f9706a fd0a 4231 9257 aab906842d4f

What to Write in the Profile Section?

The profiles of each other that will be included in the seating chart or profile book.

✅ Date of Birth

✅ Blood Type

✅ Hobbies

✅ Occupation

✅ Richness of Married Life

It's common to list these in bullet points, right?

Nice idea!👏 Changing our profile introduction section to "Introducing Others" is wonderful!📘にて紹介している画像

In this article, I will introduce profile section ideas that are not the standard bullet points, which I thought were "wonderful!" ♡

Make the Profile Section a "Third-Person Introduction" of Each Other ♡

The idea is...

To use the profile section as a "third-person introduction" of each other and describe it in text ♡

The groom writes an introduction for the bride,

and the bride writes an introduction for the groom ♡

It's difficult to convey "I am this kind of person" in your own words (it might end up sounding like a resume...),

but it’s lovely to introduce each other to the guests by weaving in personality and hobbies, such as "He is good at cooking and makes delicious meals every day" or "She is great at talking and always brightens up our home," saying "This is who my partner is." This way, guests can feel the love between you two ♡

Nice idea!👏 Changing our profile introduction section to "Introducing Others" is wonderful!📘にて紹介している画像

According to Yu-san (@yy.__wed), who incorporated this idea, she created the third-person introduction section with this thought in mind ♡


I don't want it to be an ordinary profile!! With this belief, I handwrote our introductions together with my husband〜😌

This might be the part I was most particular about, haha.

⚠️ This is just my very personal opinion ↓

Honestly, just listing likes and how we met feels like "Hmm…" and I actually wanted to talk about those things with the guests during the reception!

Isn't that the starting point when talking with a friend's boyfriend?

We held the ceremony as a way to introduce our partners to the guests, so I didn’t want to skip that part.

So what should we write? First, to spark interest in our partners, we decided to do a third-person introduction for each other's guests!👏

I wrote it by hand to convey our personalities easily (though I'm told my handwriting is clumsy).

To communicate that we held the ceremony with this intention, I added the words "and you" on the ribbon and included a message to the guests inside. Completed〜😌

Nice idea!👏 Changing our profile introduction section to "Introducing Others" is wonderful!📘にて紹介している画像

Introduce Each Other in the Profile Section ♡

An idea to incorporate each other's third-person introduction in the profile section of the seating chart or profile book.

It’s a lovely idea that conveys the affection of the couple and provides the guests with a clear understanding of who "〇〇-chan's husband is!" (Yu-san's handwritten captions on their photos of each other are also wonderful, right?)

Nice idea!👏 Changing our profile introduction section to "Introducing Others" is wonderful!📘にて紹介している画像

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