DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!のトップ画像

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!

2015.06.24 published
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The First Path Walked by the Two Together: Virgin Road*

The virgin road is the first path for the couple, where they vow eternal love and walk arm in arm after the ceremony♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

The "virgin road," which they pass from the entrance of the wedding venue to the altar, also symbolizes "the paths each has walked until now." On the wedding day, emotions overflow, and as they walk, tears may fill their eyes*

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

I Want to Create an Original Design for the Virgin Road*

Since the virgin road symbolizes the lives they've lived together and is the first path they walk as a couple, it should be designed to reflect their unique personalities!

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

DIYing the memorable virgin road that unites the couple has been gaining popularity recently♡ Here, I will introduce wonderful recommendations for creating and designing an original virgin road♡

Idea 1* Print Messages and Names*

By printing messages or names celebrating the wedding on the carpet, you can create an original virgin road♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

Let's write the message, "May you live happily forever" on the virgin road♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

You can capture more picturesque wedding photos than with a plain, traditional virgin road♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

Idea 2* Write Love Words*

Writing the couple's love on the virgin road is also very lovely♡ The time spent writing together during the preparation period and the joy while walking and reading is wonderful♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

Using a board-like carpet for the virgin road and writing messages with chalk is very stylish♡ Let's pen love letters on the virgin road♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

Idea 3* A Path Designed with Photos of the Two*

Since the virgin road is said to be the path they've walked so far, expressing their memories and upbringing using past photos in a timeline style is also beautiful♡

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Easily Handmade♡

An original photo-decorated virgin road can be easily DIYed with just "fabric, iron-on print paper, an iron, a sewing machine, and a computer"♡

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[Here’s how to do it] Purchase iron-on print paper, print photos or messages from your computer! Simply cut them out and attach them to fabric with an iron, and it's complete*

I Want the Virgin Road to be Original Too*

Since this is the path the couple takes first as recognized partners, I want it customized just for them♡

DIY Guide: Create Your Own Unique 'Aisle' for Just the Two of You!にて紹介している画像

Let’s also create a handmade virgin road for the ceremony and design the start of the new life the two are beginning together♩

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