Escorting cards and place cards can be made♡ I feel like it's trending in the world right now: Three methods for attaching fresh flowers to cards
2024.06.06 published
I want to try this!
It’s so lovely and cute to decorate cards and boards with fresh flowers like this!*
Recently, I’ve seen various stylish overseas accounts creating these cards and boards for events, so it feels trendy.
In Japan, Herlipto also sold rose cards for Haruna Kojima's birthday.
(Don’t you think it’s popular???)
At weddings, I've often seen these fresh flower cards arranged as place cards, escort cards, and welcome boards overseas 🌷
If you simply stick fresh flowers onto a card, they will wilt after a while since there’s no water...
What can be done to keep the flowers looking fresh?
While looking at various variations, I found a few methods, so I’d like to share them with you.
Method 1: Using a Flower Tube
The first method I introduce is using something called a "flower tube," which is a type of flower vase.
It’s like a test tube with a cap, and you must have seen mini bouquets sold in this style at florists, right? That’s what it is!
It’s less likely to spill water, making it a great match for things like paper. So it’s very reassuring.
They are sold for about 100 yen each on Rakuten*
➡ Search for flower tubes on Rakuten🔍

The key point is that it doesn’t obstruct the design with its appearance (it’s subtle).
Since the tube is short, it’s easy to use for escort cards or place cards♡
Method 2: Using Test Tubes
Next, I introduce the method of using test tubes. They’re also called glass tubes, and you can find ones made of acrylic or plastic instead of glass.
Unlike flower tubes, these don’t have caps, so they’re suitable for situations where flowers won’t be moved, like decorating a welcome board 🌷
It’s great to design or arrange boards and cards that highlight the beauty of the stems, which is the advantage of using test tubes!
➡ Search for glass tubes on Rakuten🔍
Method 3: Displaying Cut Flowers As Is
Finally, I present the method of displaying cut flowers as they are*
While they can wilt if not kept in water for a long time, it’s fine to use them as is for a short period.
When displaying cut flowers as is, it’s a good idea to use tropical flowers that last longer with little water 🌺
✅ You can stick them using washi tape
✅ Tie them with ribbons
✅ Secure them with wires
These methods seem to work well.
Let’s decorate cards and boards with fresh flowers♡
I introduced three methods to decorate welcome boards and cards with fresh flowers*
✅ Use flower tubes with caps
➡ Search for flower tubes on Rakuten🔍
✅ Use test tubes or glass tubes
➡ Search for glass tubes on Rakuten🔍