30 Fun Questions for the Bride and Groom Quiz Beyond the Classics 💡
2024.11.09 published
Fun Bride and Groom Quiz for Guests♡
Standard bride and groom quizzes at wedding receptions and after-parties*
It’s interesting to include deep or unique episodes about the couple that even their close friends and family may not know.
In this article, we will introduce:
✅ Where did the groom propose to the bride?
✅ What was the first movie they watched together?
We will present some unusual and fun quizzes that are not just the typical ones!*
We will also introduce on-the-spot quizzes (such as whether the groom can identify the bride's hand) in the latter part, so please make sure to read until the end!♡
A Collection of Interesting Bride and Groom Quiz Questions📝
① What is the height difference between the couple?
② What dish cooked by the groom/bride shocked the bride/groom?
③ What is the most surprising gift the groom/bride has given to the bride/groom?
④ What is the groom's/bride's favorite facial/body part of the bride/groom?
⑤ If the groom/bride were to compare the bride/groom to an animal, what would it be?
⑥ What unexpected lesson did the groom/bride take in elementary school?
⑦ What was the moment when the groom/bride first felt butterflies for the bride/groom?
⑧ What is the most expensive gift the groom/bride has given to the bride/groom so far?
⑨ What was the groom's first reaction upon seeing the bride in her wedding dress?
⑩ What was the most delightful thing said to the groom/bride by the bride/groom?
⑪ What was an unexpected childhood nickname of the groom/bride?
⑫ What was the impression of the room when the groom/bride first visited the bride/groom's house?
⑬ What is the most valuable item in the groom's/bride's collection?
⑭ What blood type could their future children not possibly have?
⑮ What names does the groom/bride want to give to a girl/boy?
⑯ What was the father of the bride's first impression of the groom when he first saw him?
⑰ What did the groom/bride do the day before the wedding?
⑱ Which celebrity shares the same birthday as the groom/bride?
⑲ Which celebrity do people say the groom/bride resembles?
⑳ Which is the correct childhood photo of the groom/bride?
㉑ Which childhood photo of the groom/bride is from when they were 〇 years old?
㉒ What is the price of the sofa in their new home?
There are also quizzes that determine the result on the spot!
From here, we will introduce quizzes that determine (announce) the results on the spot during the quiz♡
For example, in the quiz "Can the groom identify the bride's hand while blindfolded?" the groom will be blindfolded and asked to hold hands of multiple people to identify the bride's hand.
If the groom's mother, the bride’s sister, and the groom's friends also participate, you can enjoy their reactions when the groom guesses wrong, saying things like “I thought it was the bride, but why is it Ryuji...” or “No, it’s mom! lol”♡
① Can the groom/bride identify the bride’s/groom’s hand while blindfolded?
② Can the groom/bride identify the bride’s/groom’s voice using a voice changer?
③ How many squats can the groom do while carrying the bride like a princess?
④ How many seconds can the groom stand on one leg while carrying the bride like a princess?
⑤ Now, kiss in front of everyone. How many seconds can you do it?
⑥ Can the groom/bride identify the perfume that the bride/groom always wears?
⑦ Which portrait drawn by the groom/bride resembles the bride/groom?
⑧ The couple decides on a pose. Do their poses match?
Let’s make it a fun quiz time♡
We have introduced unique and interesting questions for the bride and groom quiz*
The quizzes that determine the results on the spot are enjoyable for guests and provide a thrilling anticipation on how they will turn out, so it’s recommended to incorporate several of them!♡ (These take a bit longer than regular quizzes, so be sure to manage your time accordingly!)
➡ All covered from standard to unique♡ 21 wedding after-party games everyone can enjoy
➡ For after-party organizers. 100 useful questions for the "Bride and Groom Quiz"*