Wonderful Ideas to Try: Instead of Sticky Notes, Include "Personalized Messages" in Your Invitations! 💌のトップ画像

Wonderful Ideas to Try: Instead of Sticky Notes, Include "Personalized Messages" in Your Invitations! 💌

2024.11.22 published
0b7d97bf 11f1 4e31 a1ec c177ede3eebb

Wedding Invitations for Guests 💌

When sending wedding invitations,

✅ This letter (with the date and details)

✅ A map to the wedding venue

✅ A reply postcard

✅ (For those you request assistance from, like the reception) Sticky notes

are typically included, right?

Additionally, I thought it was a wonderful idea for some to include individual message cards, so I'd like to share this!♡

Let's Include Individual Messages in the Invitations ♡

I'm introducing the invitation from an (@19940125.pan).

It was sent to her mother who lives in her family home and her younger brother.

Wonderful Ideas to Try: Instead of Sticky Notes, Include "Personalized Messages" in Your Invitations! 💌にて紹介している画像

What I want you to focus on is the message card addressed to her mother and younger brother in the bottom right corner ♡

The message starts with “Is this your first wedding?” creating a warm vibe that conveys their closeness to us as well.

To her mother, she included requests for things like introducing relatives and walking down the aisle together.

It's a heartwarming message ♡

Wonderful Ideas to Try: Instead of Sticky Notes, Include "Personalized Messages" in Your Invitations! 💌にて紹介している画像

An also included individual message cards for other family members as well.*

Using Messages Instead of Sticky Notes ♡

In the past, it was common to include requests to family and friends (like “Please walk down the aisle with me” or “I’m looking forward to your speech!”) on sticky notes in the invitations, but I think conveying them through message cards like this is wonderful too ♡

While it may be difficult to include individual messages for all guests, consider doing so for family, especially close friends, and those coming from afar. 💌

Wonderful Ideas to Try: Instead of Sticky Notes, Include "Personalized Messages" in Your Invitations! 💌にて紹介している画像

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