"Adorable Napkin Folding: Welcome Guests with Decorative Napkins!"
2015.01.21 published
Napkins make the table look stylish and vibrant ♡
Here are some cute and easy napkin folding ideas for weddings that you can easily imitate ♡
First, let's take a look at the different shapes there are ♡
Flowers folded from napkins ♡ There are so many ways to make roses!
There are also such flowers ♡
How to! This is how you create flower folds ♡
Ribbon ♡
Easy ♡ How to fold a napkin ribbon! This is how you do it ♡
Tuxedo ♡
How to fold a napkin tuxedo
There are still so many cute folding methods ♡
Peacock! So festive ♡
Perfect for Christmas ♡ Tree!
Heart shape! With love... ♡
Decorative napkin in the shape of a letter! A rare letter form ♡
Bunny folded from a napkin ♡
So cute ♡