Cute Wrapping You Can Do Yourself ♡ A Collection of Adorable Wrapping Methods Using Origami with Step-by-Step Videos ♩のトップ画像

Cute Wrapping You Can Do Yourself ♡ A Collection of Adorable Wrapping Methods Using Origami with Step-by-Step Videos ♩

2016.01.03 published
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I Want to Wrap Gifts in a Cute Way Myself ♡

Wrapping is often needed for wedding party favors and other occasions ♩ Since it's a gift for someone, it would be great to be able to wrap it in a way that makes them say "cute!"*

Cute Wrapping You Can Do Yourself ♡ A Collection of Adorable Wrapping Methods Using Origami with Step-by-Step Videos ♩にて紹介している画像

I Want to Use "Origami" for Wrapping ♡

Origami is an item that you can find everywhere and has been familiar since childhood ♩ Did you know that you can use origami as a substitute for wrapping paper to create cute wraps? Wrapping with origami has a handmade charm that is sure to delight others♡

Here are some easy wrapping ideas perfect for small gifts, complete with step-by-step videos, so even those who are not good with crafts can feel secure ♡

Wrapping Idea 1: Small Box ♡

A small box is exactly what its name implies, a wrapping of a tiny box ♡ The round silhouette resembles a little package and is super cute ♩ Changing the ribbon can completely alter the atmosphere*

You can put anything in a tiny small box ♡ It's so cute that you'll want to take pictures of it ♩ Here’s the step-by-step video for making a small box with origami*

Wrapping Idea 2: Tetra Fold ♡

"Tetra fold" refers to a small pyramid-shaped triangular container ♡ You often see sweets wrapped like this, right? ♩

Tetra folds are perfect for small, round items like candies and chocolates ♡ Here’s the step-by-step video for making a tetra fold with origami*

Wrapping Idea 3: Heart Box ♡

A heart box is a folding box with a heart-shaped lid ♡ You might not have seen such a lovely wrapping before..!*

Cute Wrapping You Can Do Yourself ♡ A Collection of Adorable Wrapping Methods Using Origami with Step-by-Step Videos ♩にて紹介している画像

Simple yet whimsical in atmosphere, it's sure to please little children ♩ It's good not only for sweets but also for small accessories ♡ Here’s the step-by-step video for this box*

Wrapping Idea 4: Butterfly Box ♡

This is the butterfly-shaped butterfly box ♡ The quality looks unbelievable for something made with origami, right?! It would be wonderful to master such a cute folding box ♩

Cute Wrapping You Can Do Yourself ♡ A Collection of Adorable Wrapping Methods Using Origami with Step-by-Step Videos ♩にて紹介している画像

I want to use various colors to share happiness ♡ It would definitely be cute to put ring-shaped icing cookies inside! ♩ Here’s the step-by-step video for it*

Let's Send the Cutest Small Gifts with "Origami" ♡

What do you think? Each wrapping is easy and can be imitated right away, yet they are all very cute ♩ Origami is great because it provides a handmade feel while also being compactly cute*

Cute Wrapping You Can Do Yourself ♡ A Collection of Adorable Wrapping Methods Using Origami with Step-by-Step Videos ♩にて紹介している画像

Master these cute wrapping methods with origami, and make your wedding an even more handmade event! ♡

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