"Essential English Phrases for the Popular Welcome Item 'Love Story'"

2016.03.12 published
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Popular Welcome Object 【Love Story♡】

Recently, Love Stories have been becoming a staple as items made for weddings. A Love Story is an item that conveys the couple's romance history, such as "the day they met" or "the day they got engaged," framed for the guests to see. The simple design is cute, so it's a great item that even those who are not good at DIY can easily try.*

"Essential English Phrases for the Popular Welcome Item 'Love Story'"にて紹介している画像

'The Problem of Not Being Able to Think of English Phrases for the Dates…!'

Phrases accompanying the dates are cooler in English, right? ♡ You might think, "Let's make a Love Story!" but then feel, "I'm not used to English, so I don't know what phrases to use! Help!" There are surely brides-to-be who feel this way.*

"Essential English Phrases for the Popular Welcome Item 'Love Story'"にて紹介している画像

This time, we introduce examples of English phrases for your Love Story that are perfect for those who are not good at English! ♡

[Introducing Standard Phrases Everyone is Making ①*]

First, let’s introduce the most commonly made standard Love Stories among brides-to-be! Writing "We fall in Love♡" (We fell in love♡) with the day you met./ "She said YES!" (The answer is yes!) with the day you got proposed to.

[Introducing Standard Phrases Everyone is Making ②*]

"He got last name" refers to the day you submitted your marriage registration and got married./ And many Love Stories write "We said I do" (We said our vows) with the wedding day.

[Best Day Ever!(The Best Day Ever♡)]

"Best Day Ever!" is a phrase that appears in "Tangled," meaning "the best day ever!" and is used during moments of excitement like "It's just the best! I'm so happy!" ♡ It’s lovely to include dates that only the two of you understand as well. ♩

[He stole her Heart♡ (The day he stole her heart♡)]

"He stole her Heart♡" means "the day he stole her heart♡," or essentially "the day we fell in love…" such a romantic phrase that you definitely want to use. *

[He stole her at "Location" (Stole her heart at "Location"♡)]

Writing about where you fell in love and including your memories of that place is also unique and super cute! ♡ If friends were there when you fell in love, those friends might reminisce when they see your Love Story. ♩

[Register one's marriage (We filed our marriage registration!)]

The phrase "Register one's marriage," meaning "to submit a marriage registration," is straightforward, making it easy for guests to understand. ♩

【Love Story♡ with Profiles of the Couple】

Finally, we're introducing a unique Love Story containing simple profiles of the couple. If you come from different hometowns or have had a long-distance relationship, how about creating a Love Story using a map of Japan?

Did you find your Favorite 【Love Story English♡】?

This time, we introduced "examples of English phrases to write in your Love Story." Did you find some English phrases you'd like to include? Please use the works of other brides-to-be as inspiration to decorate a unique and wonderful Love Story just for you! ♩

➡ Check out the list of English phrases here*

"Essential English Phrases for the Popular Welcome Item 'Love Story'"にて紹介している画像

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