"DIY Bride: A Collection of Simple and Cute Cardboard Initial Object Designs!"のトップ画像

"DIY Bride: A Collection of Simple and Cute Cardboard Initial Object Designs!"

2016.03.12 published
0b7d97bf 11f1 4e31 a1ec c177ede3eebb

Initial Objects Shine at Weddings ♡

Stylish and Easy-to-Arrange Alphabet Objects Are a Big Hit at Weddings! It’s trendy to prepare the initials of the couple or messages like "LOVE" and "WEDDING" and place them in the welcome space, at the head table, and in photo booths ♡

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Let’s Make Initial Objects ♡

When we think of initial objects, we often imagine decorative wooden initials purchased from places like 3coins, but in reality, you can also make them yourself using cardboard! If you’re worried about not finding the perfect size in stores, why not try making your initials out of cardboard? ♩

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【Bride DIY】How to Make Cardboard Initial Objects 1: Gather Materials ♡

The basic materials for making initial objects are cardboard, scissors or a cutter, and a ruler. In addition to these, prepare any decorations you like, such as fabric or flowers ♩

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【Bride DIY】How to Make Initial Objects 2: Create a Template ♡

Next, let’s create a three-dimensional initial template. Start by preparing the cardboard and cutting it into the shape of the desired letter! Use a ruler to draw guidelines, but freehand is also fine ♩

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Since this is a three-dimensional design, make two identical pieces for each letter ♡

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Now, we will create the parts needed to make it three-dimensional. These elongated parts will become the sides ♡

"DIY Bride: A Collection of Simple and Cute Cardboard Initial Object Designs!"にて紹介している画像

Use duct tape to attach everything together and create the three-dimensional shape. It’s okay to be a bit messy as we will decorate it later ♩ In no time, the template for the initial object will be complete! ♡

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【Bride DIY】How to Make Initial Objects 3: Let’s Decorate Stylishly ♡

Once the template is complete, it’s time for the fun part: decorating! Here are some wonderful decoration ideas ♡

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Stylish Decoration Idea I: Flowers ♡

First up is the classic flower decoration! This initial object has faux flowers attached with a hot glue gun, which can also be made with preserved flowers or paper flowers—choose the flowers you like! ♡

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Stylish Decoration Idea II: Green Moss ♡

An initial object covered with green moss topped with flowers is also beautiful! The natural and cute design is perfect for a garden wedding ♡

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Stylish Decoration Idea III: Petals ♡

A design where fluttering petals are attached one by one gives a light impression, making it perfect for summer weddings! This colorful creation will brighten the reception hall ♡

Stylish Decoration Idea IV: Shells ♡

If you want to decorate your initial object for a beach wedding, adding shells is a great choice ♩ It adds a seasonal feel! ♡

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Stylish Decoration Idea V: Fringe ♡

Attach fabric cut to a shorter height and make cuts to create a fringe-like decoration! This high-sense piece is recommended for stylish brides-to-be! ♡

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Stylish Decoration Idea VI: Yarn ♡

An initial object wrapped in yarn is perfect for winter weddings! The warm and adorable design exudes coziness ♡

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Stylish Decoration Idea VII: Masking Tape ♡

An initial object decorated with decoupage featuring your favorite patterns adds originality and charm ♡ It gives a soft and cute atmosphere that will make your heart flutter ♡

Let’s DIY Stylish Initial Objects ♡

What do you think? Stylish initial objects that really enhance wedding venue decorations are a must-try! Be sure to give it a go ♩

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