"10 Heartfelt Ways to Express 'Thank You' to My Beloved Parents Before I Get Married"
2016.03.29 published
Are you being a good child? ♡
When you reach your wedding, you really realize how much love your parents have given you while raising you*
Many people surely want to express their gratitude to their parents and repay them, both before and after marriage. ♡
Even though our generation may feel less of a sense of "going to become a bride," the parents of the bride certainly have a deep feeling of "I'm sending off my precious daughter whom I raised with care...!" They might feel even more sentimentally about this than we do.
I'm sure the parents also get sentimental about this.
Let's express our feelings of gratitude through actions! ♡
You may always think "thank you," but putting it off for later tends to happen when it comes to filial piety.* However, why not take your parents to various places or give them gifts while they are still healthy and active? ♡
This time, we will introduce 10 ways to show "filial piety" that will make your parents happy! ♡
Filial Piety #1: Send photos or letters to your parents ♡
Letters are a way to convey feelings by carefully writing words, and your parents will surely be very happy to receive them.* Since it's difficult to often write letters, let's send a letter on birthdays or special anniversaries! ♡
Filial Piety #2: Give gifts ♡
While gifts for celebrations are lovely, souvenirs from trips are also acceptable.* If saying "thank you for everything" is a bit embarrassing, let's express our everyday gratitude with gifts or souvenirs! ♡
Filial Piety #3: Regularly email or video call them ♡
After getting married and moving away from home, it can be hard to contact your parents.* Just take a moment when you notice or when you have a little time, and send an email or make a video call. ♡ Your parents will surely be happy to know that you are thinking of them, even if you live apart.

Filial Piety #4: Let them know you're doing well ♡
Parents are always concerned about their children's well-being.* Let them know you're having fun after getting married! Share your healthy appearance with them often. Many people also like to share their health check-up results with their parents. ♡

Filial Piety #5: Visit them while you can ♡
Many people tend to put off returning to their family home.* Actually seeing their face brings more joy than just emails or phone calls. ♡ Whenever you can spare some time, please go visit them and show them your smiling face! ♡
Filial Piety #6: Check on their house when you visit ♡
When you return home after a long time, take a look around the house.* Are there any dangerous spots at stairways or the entrance? Is the air conditioner and TV getting old? If they seem to have any inconveniences, improving them is also a great way to show filial piety! ♡

Filial Piety #7: Share stories from your childhood ♡
Parents often remember well about their children when they were young.* If you think it's difficult to start a nostalgic conversation, look at home videos or albums with your parents. ♡ It'll surely lead to a lively and enjoyable conversation! You might hear episodes from your early years that you didn't know about. ♡

Filial Piety #8: Have a meal together ♡
Find a good restaurant that serves dishes your parents love, or introduce them to your favorite restaurant... Spending enjoyable moments together while having a meal is probably the best way to show filial gratitude to your parents. ♡ Pouring a drink for your father can also make him happy! ♡

Filial Piety #9: Take them on a trip ♡
Making memories with your parents on a trip before your final unmarried moments is great, and going on a fun family trip together after marriage is also wonderful! ♡ If your parents mention a place they want to visit, make a note of it so you won't forget! ♡
Filial Piety #10: Express your gratitude ♡
When you think back on all that your parents have done for you, you realize that no amount of gratitude is enough.* Telling your parents who have raised you with love and care "thank you" is surely the greatest way to show filial piety! ♡

The wedding day is a great opportunity to express your gratitude. Even when you live apart after getting married, let’s keep communicating our feelings of appreciation to our parents who continue to watch over us. ♡