"#ProposalEpisodes xoxo: Everyone's Wonderful Stories ♡ - The Waiting for Him Edition -"

2016.03.25 published
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Proposal Episode xoxo: We heard everyone's proposal stories ♡

Hello ♡ This is Haruno Tsuzaki from marry* Have you checked the tag 'Proposal Episode xoxo' that we collected at marry? I've been so happy to hear so many love stories and surprise proposal episodes from partners that are usually hard to express. There are already over 260 posts, and each one is filled with love, so I want everyone in the world to see them right now!

"#ProposalEpisodes xoxo: Everyone's Wonderful Stories ♡ - The Waiting for Him Edition -"にて紹介している画像

(Since the content is full of touching and heartwarming stories, be sure to have a handkerchief ready when you read them, so you won't cry. You can read them quietly alone or enjoy them together with your partner or friends while squealing together ♡)

Picking five pre-bride's proposal episodes xoxo: Waiting for him forever edition ~

It's said that sometimes you hear about a man who asks, "Let's get married soon!" or "When are we getting married?" right after starting to date. But how incredibly rare are such men? Most of the time, women have a stronger desire for marriage as they often think about the future more than men. The pattern is usually that the woman wants to be proposed to and wants to get married...

In the '#Proposal Episode xoxo' tag, there were many brides who had been waiting for a proposal from their boyfriends for a long time...! In this article, I would like to introduce the 'Proposal Episode xoxo' of five brides who have been feeling anxious about "I want to get married, but my partner hasn’t decided yet," and then received a wonderful proposal and felt very happy....!

① The Proposal After Winning in a Reverse Proposal ♡

Here is @0312.mk's proposal episode xoxo ♡

I had been waiting for a proposal from him but there was no sign at all, and even when it seemed like he would say it, he hadn’t prepared anything, leading to tears and fights, and on top of that, he said, "Shall we get married?" which I completely rejected because it didn't resonate with my heart at all. I wanted to do a redo, haha.

He still didn’t propose at the right moments, creating a tense atmosphere... For now, I reflected on many things and decided that if he wasn't going to say it, I would take the initiative! Haha.

When we went to a countdown event, I found the perfect place and decided to propose to him. It seemed like he had the same idea because he held my hands and looked at me seriously, haha.

He seemed like he was about to say something, but I couldn’t wait and jumped the gun by asking, "Can I say it first?" Haha, intentionally!

I got an immediate "No!" in response, haha, but then he properly asked, “Will you marry me?” ♡ By the way, I had requested that this proposal be better than the light-hearted words that were rejected last time! Since he said it properly, of course! I cried and hugged him ♡

I was so happy and smiling throughout the proposal! There were no surprises or the dream of a box opening, but his effort, despite being clumsy with words, was enough for me ♡

② “Let's go ring shopping next weekend!”

Here is @maani.13's proposal episode xoxo ♡

We were in an office romance; I was a new employee, and he was in his third year! We started dating in the summer of that year ♡

About a year later, we started talking about marriage and began to think seriously about it. However, two years passed without any approach from him, and at three years and one month into our relationship, I became anxious about whether he was really considering our future and cried.

He comforted me while I was crying, listened to me to the end, and said, "Let's go ring shopping next weekend!"

We went ring shopping the next weekend, but because it took some time to make the ring, we picked it up a month later!

On our next date, we went to the movies and then to the beach. While chatting about trivial things, he said, "Though there might be tough times, let’s create a happy family! Will you marry me?" holding the ring and a bouquet he had bought with me ♡

Of course, my response was, "Yes! I look forward to it!" I felt truly happy ♡ It was my first time receiving a bouquet, and even though he’s not good at surprises, I felt his kindness when he bought me the flowers as a surprise!

③ "Decide now whether to marry or break up!"

Here is @lily0307a's proposal episode xoxo ♡

I was in a long-distance relationship with him, living in Hokkaido while he was in Tokyo. I thought, "This can’t just stay still!" so I decided to quit my job, which I had held for many years, to move to Tokyo.

He declared in a rather domineering manner, "Think about whether to get married within a year," and I accepted that as time passed.

During that time, we traveled a lot, but the proposal I had been looking forward to never happened, and before I knew it, a year and a half had passed.

Then in January 2015, two years later, we stayed at Miracosta. He had reserved a room on the top floor with a view of the Mediterranean Harbor. We also had a delicious course meal at the Bellavista Lounge that night. But nothing happened... I thought, maybe not this time either... So the next day, we headed to DisneySea.

We had a meal at Magellan’s and I was delighted by how much effort he put into planning such a luxurious Disney experience. At the same time, my longing to marry him surged, and I said, "Decide now whether to marry or break up!" Haha.

He, who always wants to make his own decisions, was of course in a sulky mood. But soon after, he said, "Let’s register our marriage on March 7th, which is a lucky day. I actually had already decided, but was waiting to see if you'd get proposed," and I thought, "Well played, haha."

But he added, "I’ll buy you whatever engagement ring you like!" And, "You want to have your wedding at Miracosta, right?" He was just fulfilling all of my dreams.

Ultimately, it was a proposal that I pushed for, haha, but even now, a year after we registered our marriage, we are still very close ♡ I am a fortunate person to have met the best husband ♡

④ After breaking up our living together, we had a fight… ♡

Here is @yucamo_wd's proposal episode xoxo ♡

My husband is three years younger than me. As of January this year, we have been together for over five years.

I was a hairstylist when we started dating, and he was a college student working part-time at a convenience store right across from me (and a first-year student... haha).

But when he quit his part-time job, he confessed to me, and we started going out ♡

As time passed, when he entered his job-hunting period, I too left my hairstyling job for another company.

However, during that time, he decided to take a job in a remote area away from Osaka. He originally stated he would "work in Osaka," so I was absolutely shocked!

At first, I thought it might end up being long-distance... I was internally conflicted about whether to follow him or not, and even if I wanted to, I didn’t have a decisive reason to… ( ; ; ) It seemed like he was also conflicted.

But he told me, "I want you to come with me! I’m really sorry about the job! But I’ll do my best!" And after a two-month training period for his job last June, we moved in together away from Osaka.

However, even while living together, we rarely talked about marriage… After a year of cohabitating, we had such a big fight that I actually planned to move out. I even booked a viewing for a Leopalace apartment. Haha, while discussing this with him, our argument was at a stalemate.

I thought, “Is this it? Am I going to break up with him after coming all the way out from Osaka? Should I move again and change jobs?” and a heavy silence fell as we both went quiet...

But in that atmosphere, he said, "I want us to marry properly. I can’t be without you, Yuka-san!"…! ♡

I just burst into tears. I was crying from the fight itself and then felt relieved, crying even more during the proposal, making a mess of myself, haha.

I don’t remember when we fought, so I don’t have an exact date, and it wasn’t even a formal proposal with rings or anything...

But I truly think it was for the best that we didn’t break up back then. Nowadays, we hardly remember who is younger. Haha, he’s always calm and helps me out, and even though it took a long time for us to get married and have a wedding, I think it’s been a great experience for us both ♡

My husband becomes more wonderful each year. Although I tease him a lot, haha, he’s someone very important and whom I love dearly ♡

⑤ On the seventh year of our relationship, while watching the night view… ♡

Here is @bambi__1609's proposal episode xoxo ♡

After seven years together, we were already living together with the outlook towards marriage. However, I hadn’t been proposed to for a while. Even though we had been together for a long time, things I didn't know about him began to surface while living together.

We had many arguments during our time together. There were more days when we couldn't enjoy our time together. I constantly worried, "Is this really the person I should marry?"

Among this, he suddenly suggested we go on a trip ◡̈. The destination he had kept secret was Kobe. We had dinner at a stylish French restaurant ♡

I thought, “Is he going to propose here?” but then he said, "There's one more place I want to go."

He proposed to me with a beautiful night view as our backdrop ♡ I had been waiting for this proposal for so long.

All the worries about getting married vanished, and I felt so happy, relieved that he finally said it ♡ Kobe became a special place for new memories for both of us ♡

There are moments of irritation, but I should cherish the memory of that proposal to regain my gentle feelings ♡ Haha.

The forms of love and proposals are as diverse as each person ♡

I introduced the '#Proposal Episode xoxo' from five brides ♡ There are a variety of love stories and episodes leading to marriage ♡ Especially feelings of wanting to marry but feeling frustrated because the partner hasn't proposed will resonate with many who have experienced the same situation. The joy of being united in marriage with the person you love is even greater because of the frustrating times you have felt, right? ♡

➡ Check out the complete list of '#Proposal Episode xoxo' here 【♡ We are still accepting submissions ♡】

The forms of love and the episodes of couples are all unique ♡ All of the readers' '#Proposal Episode xoxo' will bring happiness just by reading them, so please check them out on Instagram ♡

➡ Please follow my Instagram too ♡ Haruno Tsuzaki [marryxoxo]

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