Finally Tomorrow is the Wedding ♡ / Curious! What Do Senior Brides Really Do on the Day Before Their Wedding? ♡
2018.03.28 published
Finally, Tomorrow is the Wedding!
Tomorrow is the long-awaited wedding! It's finally the day I become the bride of my dreams ♡ With the excitement of being blessed by everyone, the nervousness of hoping there are no mishaps and that everything goes smoothly, and the sadness of being apart from my family, it will surely be an indescribable feeling… ♡

What Are Everyone Doing the Day Before the Wedding?
As various emotions mix on the "day before the wedding," don't you wonder how senior brides spent their time? *After researching, it turns out everyone had their own ways to spend it… ♡

This time, I'll introduce some interesting "day before the wedding" activities. Be sure to find the wedding day that suits you best! ♡
Senior Brides’ Ways to Spend the [Day Before the Wedding] ① Spend Time with Family ♡
Since it's the last day of being my parents' daughter before "becoming a part of his family," many brides seem to spend time with their family enjoying a quiet day together… ♡ Having a meal with family and spending a laid-back day just like any other day is wonderful. Thinking of it as the last “usual” day makes it feel lonely… *

Some have practiced walking down the aisle with their fathers ♡ On the wedding day, not only the bride but also the father gets nervous. It's nice to practice walking down the aisle, matching steps, saying "one, two" as you walk ♡
Senior Brides’ Ways to Spend the [Day Before the Wedding] ② Spend Time with Him ♡
For those living with their partner, they often spend time together just like usual. Some have worked on the final preparations for the wedding that they couldn’t do before with their partner ♡ The day before the wedding can get filled with thoughts about the wedding day!

For those having the ceremony at a hotel, some arrive a day early and stay at the hotel ♡ Even if they are not having the ceremony at a hotel, many seem to book a nearby hotel to relax and unwind! Taking it easy and relaxing might help alleviate wedding day jitters!? ♡

Senior Brides’ Ways to Spend the [Day Before the Wedding] ③ Spend Time with Friends ♡
Some senior brides spend the day before the wedding with close friends ♡ If they can enjoy a "last party before being single," which is often done overseas, it could be a memorable night being sent off by their beloved friends ♡

Senior Brides’ Ways to Spend the [Day Before the Wedding] ④ Spend Time Alone ♡
There are also many who spend the day before the wedding quietly by themselves * Many write letters to their parents, expressing their gratitude, to read at the wedding * I want to write a letter full of appreciation while recalling memories with my parents… ♡

Things to Avoid on the [Day Before the Wedding]…!
While it's tempting to toast with drinks at the pre-wedding party, alcohol can lead to puffiness in your body and face. To greet the wedding day with a beautiful face, it's best to avoid alcohol as much as possible…!

Many find it hard to sleep the night before the wedding due to nerves… * However, it’s important to go to bed as early as possible the night before and ensure plenty of sleep. If you don’t get enough rest and end up with dark circles under your eyes or feel unwell, it could be a big problem…!

Everyone Has Their Own Way to Spend the [Day Before the Wedding] ♡
How was it? Can you imagine how to spend the day before the wedding? ♡ Whether spending time with loved ones or lounging alone… there should be a way that fits you! ♡ With love and support from family, your partner, and friends, I want to spend the day before the wedding filled with gratitude for being able to celebrate the wedding tomorrow… ♡