Have You Heard About the Casual and Relaxed Ceremony of Engagement called "Kon'yaku-shiki," Which is More Laid-Back Than Traditional Betrothal?
2016.04.22 published
A Casual Alternative to Yui-no: What is an "Engagement Ceremony"?
In Japan, couples who have decided to marry have traditionally conducted a "yui-no." However, recently, the number of couples doing yui-no has decreased to about 30% * Instead, more couples are opting for a more casual and relaxed atmosphere of an "engagement ceremony" * So, what exactly is an "engagement ceremony"?
A Ceremony for Announcing Marriage Originating from Overseas ♡
The "engagement ceremony" is a Christian ritual that started overseas, where couples announce their upcoming marriage to God, family, and friends, and vow to love each other in the future! It is typically held 1 to 3 months before the wedding and is referred to as "Engagement Ceremony" abroad *
The ceremony itself is quite simple ♩ It includes signing a marriage pledge, presenting the engagement ring from the groom, and receiving a watch or other gift in return from the bride ♡ Essentially, you can think of it as a casual version of yui-no ♡
Now, let me introduce three features of the engagement ceremony ♡
Feature 1: No Yui-no Money or Performances!
When conducting a yui-no, various costs such as the yui-no money and venue fees are incurred. However, there are no such obligations for an engagement ceremony, so parents won’t have to worry ♡
Once you book a venue like a restaurant, you only pay for the meal! There’s no need for performances or elaborate preparations ♩ Of course, if you love fun things, planning some entertainment is also wonderful ◎ Choose a style that suits each family ♡
Feature 2: Any Attire is Welcome! ♡
Since the engagement ceremony is not formal, there’s no need to wear formal attire such as dresses or traditional Japanese clothes * In Japan, many opt for a furisode to represent the last moments of being single, while others may choose stylish dresses! It’s important to wear something you love ♡
Feature 3: More Venues are Offering Engagement Ceremonies!
Recently, more wedding venues and hotels in Japan have started offering plans for engagement ceremonies ♡ If brides want a casual yet meaningful way to confirm their engagement and celebrate, they should definitely consult with the venue ◎
Start Your Journey as a Couple with an "Engagement Ceremony" ♡
What do you think??? The "engagement ceremony" is still not very familiar in Japan. It is a very free and casual ceremony, and it’s sure to become a trend going forward ♡ Please hold a joyful "engagement ceremony" and take the first step toward being a couple loved by everyone *