Too Cute to Handle! How to Make the Trending 'Flower Curtain'*のトップ画像

Too Cute to Handle! How to Make the Trending 'Flower Curtain'*

2016.05.01 published
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The item that makes the venue glamorous: 'Flower Curtain' is adorable ♡

Recently, we often see flower-filled curtains in overseas weddings and on Instagram ♡ This 'Flower Curtain' item makes the venue very glamorous when decorated in the welcome space or photo booth, and it's excellent for photo opportunities ♡

Too Cute to Handle! How to Make the Trending 'Flower Curtain'*にて紹介している画像

I want to make a 'Flower Curtain' myself ♡

I want to create my own 'Flower Curtain' with my favorite flowers as much as I like ♡ Here’s how to make a 'Flower Curtain' that I want to decorate the venue with♩

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Introducing how to make a 'Flower Curtain' ♡

Here, I’ll share how a senior bride made her 'Flower Curtain' ♩

【Materials: artificial flowers, nylon fishing line (non-stretch), needle】

First, thread the nylon fishing line through the needle. Then, thread the fishing line through the left side of the flower* Let's put the flowers on one line of fishing line♩ Make sure it goes through the left side of the artificial flower♡

Once you reach the desired length, next, thread the fishing line through the right side as well* At this point, leave the ends of the two fishing lines longer♡ By threading the two fishing lines through both sides of the artificial flower, it will secure the flower to face the front♩

With the two fishing lines threaded, one 'Flower Curtain' is complete ♡ Make as many as you need ♩ It seems this bride made 13 'Flower Curtains' across a width of 2.5m ♡

For displaying the completed Flower Curtain, it is recommended to place a fabric over a partition, hang organza ribbons above it, and decorate it on top ♡ The flowers and ribbons will gently sway over the satin fabric, creating a lovely atmosphere*

Let's decorate the venue with the DIY 'Flower Curtain' ♡

The best place to display the Flower Curtain is in the "photo booth" ♡ Using it like a flower wall will surely result in cute photos ♩

Too Cute to Handle! How to Make the Trending 'Flower Curtain'*にて紹介している画像

Entertain guests with a handmade 'Flower Curtain' ♡

A 'Flower Curtain' made with your favorite flowers will undoubtedly beautify the venue ♡ You can take stylish photos, and your guests will surely be delighted, so give making a Flower Curtain a try ♩

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