Essential Tips to Boost Your Household Skills During Your Bridal Training This Golden Week! ❤️のトップ画像

Essential Tips to Boost Your Household Skills During Your Bridal Training This Golden Week! ❤️

2016.04.28 published
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I Want to Be a Wonderful Bride ♡

To everyone whose dream newlywed life is about to begin with their partner ♡ Don't you admire a wife who can cook, clean, and do laundry perfectly? ♡ But it’s tough to manage everything perfectly when you're working together or if you're not great at housework...!

GW is a Chance for Bridal Training ☆

GW is just around the corner, and for those who haven’t packed their schedule full ♡ While relaxing at home is nice, why not take this long weekend as an opportunity to work on your bridal training a little? ♡ Cooking, cleaning, and laundry can all be done efficiently once you know the key points ♩

This time, let’s study together the key points of [cooking, cleaning, and laundry] that are key to bridal training ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Cooking Edition] ① Know the Seasonings "Sa Shi Su Se So"!

Do you know the seasonings necessary for cooking known as "sa shi su se so"? "Sa Shi Su Se So" stands for "sugar," "salt," "vinegar," "soy sauce," and "miso," which are seasonings you definitely want to keep stocked at all times. * Moreover, it is said that adding them in this order will enhance the flavor of your dishes ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Cooking Edition] ② Change the Dashi (Broth) According to Ingredients!

There are many types of dashi, such as bonito, kelp, and consommé, so it can get confusing regarding which dashi to use for which dish. * Here’s the point! The rule is to use [animal-based × vegetable-based] dashi!

[Animal-based × vegetable-based] is believed to bring out the umami. For example, if the ingredients in your miso soup are vegetables, you should use animal-based bonito dashi. If you're making fish or meat dishes, use kelp dashi. As long as you follow this rule, you can make delicious dishes with rich flavors ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Cooking Edition] ③ Prepare Side Dishes in Advance!

Side dishes are like the preparation of vegetables, and sometimes they can be served as they are * It would be wonderful if you could whip up some appetizers or meals when your husband or partner is hungry or when friends or coworkers drop by unexpectedly ♡ Let's build a habit of stocking up on side dishes when you have time ♩

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Cleaning Edition] ① Sort Your Things!

Have you ever experienced your room getting smaller and smaller because you accumulated unnecessary items thinking, “I might still use this…”? In such cases, try sorting into three categories: "things I use often," "things I might use," and "things I haven’t used." * If you haven't used the "might use" category in a month, make a rule to toss it out, and you’ll find it surprisingly easier to discard things ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Cleaning Edition] ② Clarify Trash Days!

Do you know the trash days for "food waste," "non-burnable trash," "large trash," and "cans and bottles"? It’s easy to forget "what day was that?" but by clearly keeping track of the dates, you can easily sort your trash according to the day ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Cleaning Edition] ③ Utilize Storage Boxes Effectively!

When items are scattered, even if the room is clean, it can somehow look messy. * In such cases, use storage boxes to group items together ♩ Any type of storage box, like the popular "lidded storage box" from Daiso, is fine ♡ By creating storage boxes for different categories, you won’t have to worry about items disappearing ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Laundry Edition] ① Follow the Order of Loading!

Did you know there’s a specific order for loading laundry into the washing machine? First, put in large and bulky items at the bottom, then regular laundry, and lastly, items that go in a mesh bag. That’s the best order! ♩ Following this order makes the washing machine spin faster and helps clean socks properly ♡

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Laundry Edition] ② A Small Amount of Vinegar is Your Laundry Ally!

The unique smell that comes from drying clothes indoors is really unpleasant, isn’t it? At times like that, vinegar works wonders! Surprised? The method is very simple—just add two tablespoons of vinegar when doing laundry ♡ Not only does it help eliminate unpleasant odors, but it also suppresses the growth of bacteria to some extent, so vinegar's power is amazing ♩

Things I Want to Learn in Bridal Training [Laundry Edition] ③ Ironing is a Shortcut to Becoming a Wonderful Wife!

Ironing is something you might neglect... However, if your own clothes, as well as your husband’s shirts and handkerchiefs, are always wrinkle-free and looking good, it will surely enhance your appearance and evaluation from others! "Cleanliness" is very important, so always make sure to iron your clothes ♡

To Become a Proud Wife for Your Partner ♡

How was that? It’s tough to master everything at once, so why not start small within your capacity? ♩ For those working together, share the knowledge with your husband and let’s aim for a wonderful married life together ♡ Let’s all strive to become beloved wives! ♡

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