announcing my engagement! A guide to gracefully sharing the news with bosses and friends 【by relationship】
2016.06.23 published
Interesting! Ways to Announce Your Marriage by Relationship Type
If you've been proposed to by your boyfriend and your wedding is officially decided, have you reported it to those around you? Announcing your marriage is quite nerve-wracking. It can be difficult to know how to report it in a way that feels nice.
Here are some ways to announce your marriage by relationship type, such as friends, workplace colleagues, and relatives.

Nice Ways to Announce Your Marriage #1 Boss
The first person you'll want to report to in your workplace is your [boss]. Always report in the order of "from the higher-ups down." Make sure to communicate directly so the news doesn’t get passed around through others.
When reporting to your boss, it's important to clearly discuss how your work will continue in the future. If you plan to have a wedding, it’s good to share your plans even if you haven't set a date yet. If you would like to request a speech, make sure to report it early. However, if the date is more than a year away, lightly mention it and provide a more detailed update a few months prior.

Nice Ways to Announce Your Marriage #2 Senior and Colleagues
After reporting to your boss, it's time to announce to your [colleagues]. If you have a close relationship with some colleagues, you can inform them before announcing to your boss. Just ensure that the boss is the first to know directly, so it doesn’t reach them through others. You can say, "I’d like to inform my boss directly, so it would be helpful if you could keep this secret."
If many in your workplace already know about your boyfriend, it will be easier to report the news! If they are unaware, a simple explanation like "I've been dating him for a while" should suffice.

Nice Ways to Announce Your Marriage #3 Junior Colleagues
You can report to your [junior colleagues] last. If you plan to invite them to the wedding, make sure to inform them right after your fellow colleagues. If you don’t plan to invite them, you can phrase it as "I think it might be a burden" or "I'm only inviting a few bosses."

Nice Ways to Announce Your Marriage #4 Friends
For friends you plan to invite to your wedding, you’ve probably already shared the news when you were proposed to! After that, it’s fine to inform them immediately once the registration or wedding date is set. For friends you meet often, try to tell them directly. If you can't meet soon, it's better to communicate quickly via email or LINE to avoid delays.
When inviting to the wedding, be considerate, saying something like "Please prioritize your family obligations." Remember that your friends might also be getting married or having babies, and it’s essential to respect each other's life stages. It would be ideal to maintain a close friendship even after getting married.

For friends you won't invite to your wedding, it’s okay to announce it through social media like Facebook. If you're planning a second party and inviting a broad range of friends, it’s better they find out through social media rather than saying they didn’t know. On social media, try to keep bragging about your relationship to a minimum when making your announcement.

Nice Ways to Announce Your Marriage #5 Relatives
If you don't live with your grandparents, it’s best to report to them over the phone. If you don’t meet often, explaining who your partner is can be appreciated.
The same goes for uncles, aunts, and cousins. Providing a brief description of who your partner is will make a good impression. Be sure to communicate the wedding date as soon as possible and send out invitations afterward.

The Sooner, The Better! Announce Your Marriage Considering the Other Person
People want to hear the marriage news directly from you. When inviting someone to your wedding, it's advisable to inform them a few months in advance before sending invitations. Be sure to consider the other person's position and announce your marriage appropriately.
Everyone is sure to say, "Congratulations!" with the biggest smiles.