The Perfect Way to Announce Your Engagement or Marriage: A Celebration Filled with Happiness and Love!のトップ画像

The Perfect Way to Announce Your Engagement or Marriage: A Celebration Filled with Happiness and Love!

2016.09.22 published
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What to Do After Getting Engaged: [Engagement and Wedding Announcement]

After receiving a proposal from him and getting engaged, the next important thing is the [Engagement and Wedding Announcement]. *I totally understand the excitement of wanting to share the news quickly, but there are rules when it comes to engagement and wedding announcements!*

These rules are very important, and if you don't follow them, what should be a happy announcement can lead to unpleasant feelings. As long as you follow the rules for wedding announcements, everyone will genuinely celebrate with you, and it will create a joyful atmosphere. Here’s how to properly announce your engagement and wedding!*

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[Engagement and Wedding Announcement] ① Parents

The first report and greeting after getting engaged should be to the bride's parents. Since the bride is to be married, it is proper etiquette to seek the approval of the bride's parents before visiting the groom's side.*

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Schedule the visit about two weeks in advance. If you have already spoken with your parents about your partner, the meeting will be smoother. Naturally, to avoid making a bad impression from the start, it's taboo to speak ill of him during this time! Talk about all the great things about him!♡

Of course, it’s also important for him to hear about your parents beforehand. He will likely be very nervous, so providing him with plenty of information in advance will help!♡

On the day of the visit, check your outfit and grooming to present yourself as a poised young lady. It's best for him to wear a suit. Don’t forget to bring a gift that suits your parents' preferences!♡

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[Engagement and Wedding Announcement] ② Relatives

Announcements to relatives vary depending on your relationship with them or your parents. It's best to confirm with your parents first.◎ If you have a close relationship, it's great to speak to them directly, but if that's not possible, calls or emails are also fine!*

Also, it’s quite common for parents to make announcements on behalf of their children. If your relatives are far away and you don't have much connection, there may be families that prefer to send a notice via New Year’s cards instead of inviting them to the wedding! It’s something that cannot be decided by just you two, so be sure to check carefully!*

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[Engagement and Wedding Announcement] ③ Friends

It is generally considered best to announce to friends you want to invite to the wedding about 3-4 months before sending invitations. If you stagger announcements among close friends, there’s a chance others might hear the news first. To avoid them saying "I didn't hear anything!", it's preferable to announce it around the same time to friends in the same group. ◎ It’s best to announce in person or over the phone.♩

Be sure to mention that you'd like to invite them to the wedding when you announce your engagement! By communicating early, your friends can mark their calendars.♡ It’s also handy to ask for their full names and addresses for sending invitations later on!♩

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For friends you won't invite to the wedding, keep the announcement casual through phone or email.* It's helpful to mention that the wedding will be a small family affair so that they understand whether they'll be invited or not. ◎

Some brides-to-be wish to announce their engagement to close friends immediately after the proposal! In such cases, it’s perfectly fine to share the news right away, so consider the nature of your friendships and select the best method to announce it.◎

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[Engagement and Wedding Announcement] ④ Workplace

The workplace is the area where you need to be utmost careful regarding engagement and wedding announcements. It relates to your future career as well, so it's essential to follow proper etiquette.*

First, you should report to your direct supervisor. Set aside time outside of work hours for the discussion. ◎ Follow your manager's instructions, as there may be situations where you need to report to upper management. Your supervisor may be concerned about your future work status, so ensure you clearly communicate whether you’ll continue working or resign.*

For everyone else in the workplace, make a collective announcement. You might announce it during a morning assembly or take turns informing your colleagues. If there are seniors who have previously wed, take inspiration from their approach!* Since it can vary by company, it would be good to ask a trusted long-term employee for advice. ◎

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Colleagues come last in the announcement order, but there are certainly cases where you have close friendships with certain coworkers. In such cases, it’s fine to make an advance announcement, but it's prudent to remind them to keep it confidential. ◎ Hearing about a subordinate's news from someone else is certainly not well-received, so it's important to follow the order in making announcements.*

Whether or not colleagues will be invited to the wedding is an important point. If you are inviting them, be sure not to forget to share the date and location of the wedding! ◎ If you are not inviting them, it’s crucial to communicate it indirectly, stating that the wedding will be a small family gathering.

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Follow the Rules and Get Celebrated with Your Wedding Announcement! ♡

There are various rules regarding engagement and wedding announcements, but the most important thing is consideration and thoughtfulness towards the others involved.* If you lack consideration, your delightful wedding announcement could end up being ruined.

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Become a bride who is celebrated by everyone with your engagement announcement done properly like a responsible adult! ◎

➡️ Download the marriage registration from marry here♡

➡️ Download a customizable marriage registration here♡

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