Among those, tabletop flowers are very important! If the volume of the tabletop flowers is low, the entire venue can look shabby. It can affect the atmosphere of the entire venue and guests might think you tried to cut costs. Since it’s something they'll see continuously during the reception, it’s understandable if they think that way...
Therefore, it is recommended to prepare voluminous tabletop flowers without being stingy. However, wedding flowers can be quite expensive if ordered properly. During such times, there is a way to arrange flowers by filling the table from one end to the other entirely with greenery♡
Don’t you think this arrangement of greenery and flowers is voluminous and very cute? It doesn’t look lonely at all since there are no gaps♡ Even just greenery adds enough volume, making it visually appealing◎
This arrangement is based on greenery, so depending on the venue, it can be surprisingly affordable! While wedding flowers can be expensive, greenery is often much cheaper*
There are brides who are thinking of adding table runners to the table coordination* With a table runner, the table becomes instantly more vibrant and lovely◎
But by using this arrangement, there’s no need to add a table runner! The flowers act as a substitute for the table runner, which helps to save costs♡ Of course, you can add more flowers to enhance the look, and it will still be very cute♡ Let me introduce some flower arrangements for table coordination separately*
Make the table more vibrant♡ Greenery and orange flowers
Orange flowers with green and white create a very elegant look* They would match with any tablecloth color◎ The rare fruits subtly included are also a nice touch♡
Although flowers might seem decorative and not particularly relevant for guests, they actually pay attention to them! It’s great if you can increase the volume and save costs at the same time◎