"Who Should Buy the Wedding Rings? A Big Solution to the Surprisingly Tricky Issue of Ring Payments!"
2016.09.21 published
Who pays for wedding rings?
One of the items to prepare when the marriage is decided is the wedding ring. It's nice to choose a wedding ring that you feel particular about as a couple's vow ◎
Many brides-to-be may have faced the question, "Who pays for the wedding ring?" after starting to choose wedding rings. While couples often discuss how to split wedding costs in advance, there may be fewer couples who have talked about the costs of wedding rings.
For brides-to-be wondering whether they or their partner should pay for the wedding ring, we will introduce some examples of how previous brides handled the payment for their wedding rings*

Payment Issue: Case 1 - The man pays
This is a case where the man pays for the wedding ring.
"He willingly said he would pay."
"Since there was no engagement ring, he paid for the wedding ring."
"He covered all the expenses related to the wedding."
"We weren't planning a wedding, so he bought it as a keepsake."
It seems that when the man pays, it's often a very generous partner♡ Wearing both the engagement ring and the wedding ring he gave is truly lovely*

Payment Issue: Case 2 - The woman pays
This is a case where the woman pays for the wedding ring*
"He said he didn't need a return gift for the engagement ring, so I paid for the wedding ring."
"He paid for the wedding expenses, so I covered the wedding ring and the honeymoon."
It seems that when the woman buys the wedding ring, it often offsets something like the return gift for the engagement ring♡ Because she pays for it herself, she can freely choose a design she loves, which is also appealing◎

Payment Issue: Case 3 - Each pays for their own
This is a case where each person pays for their own wedding ring*
"I paid for it because it's something I'll be using myself."
"I chose an eternity type with lots of jewels, so there was quite a difference in price, so I paid my own share."
It's a good impression that those who think, "I'll pay for my own!" are managing their money responsibly* Couples who are diligent in everything are likely to be trusted by everyone…♡

Payment Issue: Case 4 - Both pay for each other's rings
This is a case where each person pays for the other's wedding ring (the groom pays for the bride's ring/ the bride pays for the groom's ring)*
"I thought it would make each ring feel more special if we gave them to each other."
"I want it to be a proof that we will support each other as a couple."
Couples who pay for each other's rings seem to value their connection a lot♡ The wedding ring received from him/her is likely to become a lifelong treasure*
Payment Issue: Case 5 - Pay from a joint account
This is a case where the payment is made from a joint account for both partners*
"We prepared a joint account for our new life after marriage, so we paid from there."
"We paid along with the wedding funds."
Couples who pay from a joint account seem to be preparing well for their future life together♡ Talking about finances ahead of time can be quite convenient◎

Payment for wedding rings varies by couple*
There is no strict rule that "one must pay!" for the cost of wedding rings. It’s best to have a good discussion with your partner and decide together◎
Some brides have even set up a joint account as an occasion for purchasing wedding rings♡ It might be a good opportunity to establish a joint account as a preparation for married life♩
⇒ If you'd like to see more articles about wedding rings, click here*