"How to Announce Your Marriage on Social Media without Jeopardizing Your Friendship"のトップ画像

"How to Announce Your Marriage on Social Media without Jeopardizing Your Friendship"

2016.09.14 published
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How to Announce Your Marriage?

When you are proposed to and are at the happiest time of your life! Once the marriage is decided, there are many things to prepare for the wedding and new life, but the first thing to think about is how to announce your marriage, right?*

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The Increase of 'Marriage Announcements on Social Media' ♩

In the past, it was common to meet in person or make a phone call, but recently, the trend is shifting to announcements via social media (mainly Facebook) ♩ It seems many people find it convenient to announce to a lot of people at once*

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Be Careful with Marriage Announcements on Social Media!

Although announcing your marriage on social media is convenient, there are actually many points you need to be careful about! If you receive backlash from announcing on social media, your precious happy feelings could be ruined >< You definitely want to avoid alienating important friends too, right?*

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When you want to announce your marriage on social media, let's keep in mind the points to be careful about and aim for a marriage announcement that everyone can celebrate together ♩ This is the first step towards a happy marriage ♡

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Here are some tips on how to announce your marriage on social media without damaging your important friendships*

Social Media Marriage Announcement / Point ① Consider the Order of Reporting!

The most important point is the timing of your post on social media* You should inform important people before posting on social media ♩ There are cases where friends who thought they were close became distant after learning about a wedding via another's social media, so caution is needed!

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If you first hear about someone's marriage announcement on a widely viewed platform like social media, it can make you feel like you were treated just like everyone else >< It's a good idea to report to your closest ones personally and as soon as possible*

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Also, if you post immediately after the marriage is decided, and it gets back to your workplace supervisor through social media, it could be seen as rude* Proper manners for marriage ceremonies and funerals are indicators of whether someone is a respectable adult, so it’s best to post after informing your parents and supervisors ♩

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Social Media Marriage Announcement / Point ② Keep the Content Modest ♩

When announcing your marriage on social media, writing a post filled with happiness might come off as "insensitive" to some people* Situations vary among individuals, such as those who are divorced, struggling with marriage hunting, or dealing with various misfortunes. It’s important to aim for messages that everyone can feel comfortable receiving ♩

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But still, it’s the peak of happiness* There are surely people who want to write a post bursting with joy ♩ In such cases, consider limiting the audience of your post to prevent potential problems in advance ❤️

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Social Media Marriage Announcement / Point ③ Don’t Show Off Too Much

A characteristic of announcing on social media is that it can be easily viewed by not just close friends but also acquaintances* If you’re only connected with close friends, it might be fine, but if not, being too detailed could lead to annoyance ><

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Share your love story fully when you meet closely with good friends ♡ On social media, it’s best to keep it to something like "I’m pleased to announce my marriage"*

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Social Media Marriage Announcement / Point ④ Don’t Overload with Announcements!

I understand that you might have a lot to share about wedding proposals, meeting parents, buying wedding rings, etc.* However, if you continue to post about marriage incessantly, some people might become fed up, so moderation is crucial! It’s best to avoid an overwhelming number of announcements and keep it classy ♩

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So, what should you do?!?!

It’s true that continuing with overly happy bragging posts on social media might lead some real friends to become annoyed. (I’d like to believe that there are no such friends, though...!)

But love and being loved is the greatest happiness and part of nature. It’s perfectly reasonable to feel that "Is there anything wrong with bragging that I am receiving lots of love?!"

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【Solution】 Posts related to weddings can be made on a Wedding Account ♡

If you want to share happy and lovey-dovey wedding-related posts, creating a separate account called a “Wedding Account” in addition to your main one that connects you with real-life friends is a good idea*

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Nowadays, it is normal to create and use multiple accounts on any social media. Whether on Twitter or Instagram, many "pre-bride" accounts can be seen, especially within the Instagram community for brides-to-be, which offers plenty of helpful information!

There may be things that you can’t consult about with your real-life friends who will attend your wedding which you can only discuss with fellow brides in similar situations, so it's highly recommended.*

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Want to Announce Your Marriage on Social Media Without Alienating Anyone?*

When a wedding is decided, everyone is at the peak of joy and wants to talk about it with various people ♡ However, marriage announcements come with a set order and etiquette* If these are not adhered to, there’s a risk of being perceived as rude or inconsiderate ><

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In fact, while announcements on social media are on the rise, there are many points to be careful of. Since it is a great and efficient way to announce, let’s use it wisely to make pleasant marriage announcements ♡

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And because you are so filled with happiness, make an effort to ensure your "marriage announcement on social media" is celebrated by everyone around you; perhaps conduct your wedding preparation and lovey-dovey posts with your fiancé on a "bride account" instead ♡

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