A Classic Entertainment Choice by CA: The Hilarious "Celebrate Announcement" Scriptのトップ画像

A Classic Entertainment Choice by CA: The Hilarious "Celebrate Announcement" Script

2016.09.22 published
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What comes to mind for a wedding performance by flight attendants...♡

Wedding performances are an important staging scene that livens up the venue in the middle of the reception.

Typically, videos, dances, songs, and skits are standard, but…

Did you know that when the bride is a flight attendant (CA) and many CA guests attend, there are fun performances that utilize this profession???

The classic performance by flight attendants: "Wedding Announcement" is so cute ♡

The classic performance by flight attendants is called "Wedding Announcement."

CA colleagues of the bride dress in uniform and make speeches in the style of an in-flight announcement, and the content is just so cute and funny! ♡

In this article, we will introduce examples of announcements that anyone can imitate, even if they are not CAs! ♩

Classic Example of a Wedding Announcement by Flight Attendants ♡

Mr. and Mrs. ○○, dear families, congratulations on your wedding. Thank you for choosing ○○ Airlines today.

This flight is bound for Happy Island, flight number (wedding date).

The estimated flight time is filled with sweet newlywed adventures, as we will continue our journey while depicting various relationships such as childbirth, parenting, and the occasional couple's quarrels, as circumstances permit.

The weather at Happy Island is reported to be clear with no clouds, hot temperatures, and impossible humidity levels.

Without further ado, please ensure that the bride, ○○, keeps a tight grip on the reins and the wallet of the groom, ○○. Groom, ○○, please be cautious about overindulging in alcohol and creating too many children.

Work-related troubles and boring jealousy may affect the sweet life of the couple, so we kindly ask that these matters are not brought into your home.

Today, the captain of this flight is groom, ○○, and the chief purser is bride, ○○. If you need anything from the lovely couple, please feel free to visit their love nest, bringing gifts with you.

Please be aware that if you do not bring a gift, you may be asked to leave at the entrance.

Due to the nature of the sweet newlywed life, late-night phone calls and visits after 9 PM are likely to cause flight disturbances, so we advise you to avoid them for the time being.

According to recent updates, the flying conditions are generally good, but should the captain display any signs of hangover or irresponsible behavior, there may be lightning from the chief.

In such a case, a gentle hug and a lovely gift will stabilize the conditions, so please rest assured.

The airplane is prepared for departure and is moving towards the runway of life accompanied by the powerful roar of the engines.

We will be taking off soon towards the limitless future.

All the crew members sincerely pray for your safe flight and long-lasting happiness. Thank you very much.

I want to imitate the cute and funny Wedding Announcement ♡

How was it? The "Wedding Announcement" is so cute, funny, and glamorous! ♡

Even if the bride or guests are not CAs, this is a performance that all friends would want to imitate. The idea of dressing in uniform and practicing voices sounds fun! Just thinking about it makes me excited! ♩

There are various other methods for "Wedding Announcements" besides the examples introduced this time.

Please feel free to customize a "Wedding Announcement" that suits the newlyweds and add charm to their wonderful wedding! ◎

➡ Read more articles related to performances ♡

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