Don't Let Rainy Forecasts Get You Down! Do You Know the 3 Beliefs That Make Rainy Weddings Bring Happiness? ♡のトップ画像

Don't Let Rainy Forecasts Get You Down! Do You Know the 3 Beliefs That Make Rainy Weddings Bring Happiness? ♡

2016.10.21 published
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Rain on Your Wedding Day... But It's Too Early to Be Downhearted!

Many brides think that they want their once-in-a-lifetime wedding to be on a sunny day. Rain can bring down the mood, and it's disappointing when planned outdoor ceremonies can't take place or have to move indoors.

However, there is a saying that couples who get married in the rain will find happiness. If you're worried about the forecast predicting rain on your wedding day, here are three happy reasons why a rainy wedding can still be joyful!

/If It Rains on Your Wedding, You'll Find Happiness/ Saying ① God Will Shed a Lifetime of Tears for the Couple

In Europe, it's said that when it rains on a wedding day, "God sheds a lifetime's worth of tears for the couple." The rain on the best day of your life means that happy "sunny days" await you afterward.

If you think that happiness will continue from now on, then a rainy wedding is not a problem at all. If you believe that God is sending rain to ensure your future happiness, you'll be able to prepare for your wedding with a positive mindset!

/If It Rains on Your Wedding, You'll Find Happiness/ Saying ② After Rain Comes Solid Ground

Have you heard the Japanese proverb "after rain comes solid ground"? It means that just as the ground becomes stronger when it rains, good things will follow after bad experiences.

Even though a rainy wedding might feel gloomy, couples who shake off those feelings and enjoy their wedding together will likely strengthen their bond. No matter what challenges lie ahead, you can overcome them together!

/If It Rains on Your Wedding, You'll Find Happiness/ Saying ③ Happiness Showers Down

In Christianity, rain is considered a "gift from heaven." Rain nourishes the earth and supports the growth of life, acting as a lifeline for humans. Often called "blessing rain," it symbolizes happiness.

Isn't it romantic to think that each drop of rain is filled with happiness, especially on your wedding day? If you believe that happiness is showering down, rain might even become endearing!

There Are Many Good Omens for a Rainy Wedding

While rain on your wedding day might initially feel a bit disheartening, there are plenty of good omens that can lift your spirits. With so many happy sayings, don’t you think you can say, “Rain is fine too!”?

Whether it's sunny or rainy, the time spent with your loved ones will be irreplaceable. So, don’t be pessimistic about the rain, and enjoy an amazing day!

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