13 Stylish English Phrases to Say "Congratulations on Your Wedding!" to Your Friends ♡

2019.02.04 published
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I Want to Know how to Say "Congratulations" in English ♡

When a close friend or a coworker is getting married, everyone writes messages on colored paper or in a card to celebrate, right? ♡

At that time, it would definitely be stylish and cool to write "Congratulations" in English on a message card, but if you only know standard phrases like "Happy Wedding" or "Forever Love," it might feel a bit repetitive...!

13 Stylish English Phrases to Say "Congratulations on Your Wedding!" to Your Friends ♡にて紹介している画像

So this time, I will introduce some stylish English phrases for wedding congratulations, along with their meanings! ♡

English "Congratulations" Phrase 1 ♡ Happy Marriage!

Happy Marriage! = Congratulations on your marriage!

English "Congratulations" Phrase 2 ♡ Sweets are forever.

Sweets are forever. = Wishing you everlasting happiness ♡

English "Congratulations" Phrase 3 ♡ Live, Love, Laugh, and be Happy!

Live, Love, Laugh, and be Happy! = Live passionately, love deeply, laugh often, and be happy!

English "Congratulations" Phrase 4 ♡ Congratulations on your wedding.

Congratulations on your wedding. = Congratulations on your marriage.

English "Congratulations" Phrase 5 ♡ Happy wedded life.

Happy wedded life. = Wishing you a happy married life...

English "Congratulations" Phrase 6 ♡ Happily ever after...

Happily ever after... = They lived happily ever after.

English "Congratulations" Phrase 7 ♡ I wish your love grows forever.

I wish your love grows forever. = I wish for your love to last forever.

English "Congratulations" Phrase 8 ♡ To a precious and dearest friend...

To a precious and dearest friend... = With love to a dear friend...

English "Congratulations" Phrase 9 ♡ Let all your dreams come true.

Let all your dreams come true. = May all your dreams come true.

English "Congratulations" Phrase 10 ♡ What a happy occasion!

What a happy occasion! = What a joyful event this is!

English "Congratulations" Phrase 11 ♡ Yesterday, Today, Forever...

Yesterday, Today, Forever... = Yesterday, today, and forever...

English "Congratulations" Phrase 12 ♡ May Love Bloom Forever!

May Love Bloom Forever! = May love's flowers bloom forever!

English "Congratulations" Phrase 13 ♡ Wishing you all the best for the future.

Wishing you all the best for the future. = I hope everything goes well for your future!

Any of these English phrases are sure to make them happy ♡

How was that??? I introduced some stylish and wonderful English phrases that mean congratulations on the wedding, which you can use when sending wedding wishes or messages ♩

Please try to include these lovely English messages when giving colored paper, group cards, letters, or message cards to the happy couple! ♡

➡ Click here for a list of English phrases articles*

13 Stylish English Phrases to Say "Congratulations on Your Wedding!" to Your Friends ♡にて紹介している画像

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