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"♡ A Record of Wedding Preparations & Newlywed Life / 4 Recommended Ways to Start Keeping a Diary from 2017!"

2017.01.14 published
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I Want to Make Journaling a Habit in 2017♡

To all the brides-to-be, are you keeping a “journal”?♡

Many brides might be saying, “I used to write every day in school, but since becoming a working adult, I’ve been too busy...” or “Even when I try to start, I always end up giving up after three days.” (By the way, I am one of those people...)

Although starting a journal can be tough, now that it’s 2017, I recommend taking on this challenge♩

This is because the time of being a bride-to-be and the newlywed period is unique in your long life♡ During this time, many big life events are happening, so there must be both happy occasions and worries. Journaling, which allows you to confront your feelings, can become an essential partner to get through this time*

Additionally, it is very important to record what you were feeling and thinking during this precious time! When you read back on it during challenging or sad times in your future married life, it may become an invaluable treasure that supports you♡

For brides who want to start journaling this year, here are some wonderful journaling methods that can help you continue and bring happiness♡ Please give it a try*

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Recommend Journaling Method to Bring Happiness ① Write About the Good Things That Happened Today♡

This is a “good things journal” where you write about the positive things that happened around you throughout the day♡

Remember and write down things that made you happy today, such as compliments you received or spending romantic time with your partner. Even small things like getting up early or having a tasty dinner are perfectly fine♡

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If keeping a good things journal becomes a habit, you will recall only positive experiences every day, which can enhance your sense of happiness and lead to a fulfilling life♡

It’s a lovely habit that makes you feel like you can get into bed thinking, “Today was a happy day too♡”*

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Recommend Journaling Method to Bring Happiness ② Praise Yourself Today♡

This is a “praise journal” where you find and commend the good things about yourself today.

The aspects to praise can be trivial; anything is okay* By acknowledging even the small things that might seem “normal,” you can foster confidence and self-acceptance♡

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If you continue to praise yourself, you will become a woman radiating a beautiful aura of happiness♡

On days when you made progress in your wedding preparations or managed your household tasks well, give yourself a big pat on the back in your praise journal♩

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Recommend Journaling Method to Bring Happiness ③ Keep a “Year Diary”♡

I also recommend keeping the same journal over a longer period, like three or five years♡

In one page, you can reflect on what you were doing on the same day one or two years ago, providing both enjoyment in writing and in reading*

You can look back and think, “Last year on this day, I was making invitations” or “I fought with my partner on this day, but we made up quickly.”♩

It seems like it could become an invaluable treasure, vividly recalling the unique experiences of your bride-to-be and newlywed periods♡ Compared to a diary with one book per year, the amount you write each day is also less, making it easier to continue◎

Recommend Journaling Method to Bring Happiness ④ Write About the Future♡

Finally, I recommend a slightly different way of journaling. Normally, journaling involves reflecting on “what happened today,” but in a future journal, you write about “things that will happen in the future”*

The future you envision can be from far ahead or just a year, or even three days into the future♡ Write as specifically as possible in the completed form about what you wish to achieve♡

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For example, you could write, “I found the perfect dress♡” or “I succeeded in my diet♡” as if these dreams are already a reality, which is a key point◎

It is said that a future journal stimulates your subconscious mind, helping your wishes come true♡ Rather than binding yourself with goals, how wonderful it is that you can fulfill your wishes while feeling excited*

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The best day to start is today! ♡ Let’s begin journaling from today*

I’ve shared recommended journaling methods that you might want to try in 2017♩ A diary can make the days of wedding preparations and married life enjoyable and happy♡ Now that the new year has begun, please give it a try at this moment*

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