"Got Engaged! Essential Etiquette for Announcing Your Marriage to Bosses and Friends: Order and Methods You Should Know♡"
2019.07.22 published
Engagement Decided ♡ How to Report to Those Around You? *
Have you already reported your engagement to your loved ones after your partner proposed? ♡
Telling others, "I’m getting married!" can be quite nerve-wracking. Since it's your first time, you may not know how to start or whom to tell first.
In fact, there are proper orders and methods for announcing your engagement! * If you report to various people without thinking deeply while in a happy mood, you might regret it later...!
This time, we'll share the order and methods of announcing your engagement based on your relationship with others, such as your boss and friends. * As an independent adult starting a family, make sure to grasp this properly! ♡

/ By Relationship / How to Announce Your Engagement ① To Relatives *
Make sure to properly report your engagement to close relatives who are expected to attend the wedding, such as your parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. *
Since your families will have a long-term relationship going forward, it's best to discuss it face-to-face or over the phone as early as possible. ◎ It might help smooth future relations if you give a brief introduction to who your partner is. ♡
➡ It's easy to create engagement announcement postcards using an app ♩

/ By Relationship / How to Announce Your Engagement ② To Your Boss *
The next report that is essential is to work-related people. You should report to your boss first. If you have multiple supervisors, make sure to do so in the order of their rank.
It's customary to report directly to your boss. * You can say, "I have something to report, may I have a moment of your time?" and arrange a private conversation. ♡
It is generally considered poor etiquette for the news of your marriage to reach your boss through others. While it's understandable that you want to share your happiness with close colleagues, refrain from doing so and report to your boss first. ♡
In your report to your boss, it’s important to convey how you plan to manage work going forward. * Whether you will retire after marriage or if you are pregnant are typically sensitive topics for your boss to inquire about, so take the initiative to explain these aspects.
If you would like your boss to attend the wedding, especially if you want them to give a toast, make sure to inform them early. * However, if the wedding is more than a year away, it's better to give a light mention of it and then update them a few months in advance. ◎

/ By Relationship / How to Announce Your Engagement ③ To Colleagues and Seniors at Work *
After reporting to your boss, it's time to inform your colleagues and seniors. * Unlike with your boss, you don’t have to do this one-on-one. If you plan to continue working, it's considerate to inform them whether you will keep your maiden name or change to your married name. ◎

/ By Relationship / How to Announce Your Engagement ④ To Friends *
For close friends, you can tell them directly when you meet, or if you rarely see them, inform them individually via email or social media. ♡
When inviting friends to the wedding, remember to say something like, "Please prioritize family considerations." ♩ Keep in mind that friends might also get married or become pregnant around the same time. ♡
For friends who you won’t invite to the wedding, it’s perfectly acceptable to announce via social media like Facebook or Instagram. * When sharing with a large audience, keep gushing and self-talk to a minimum, and it's best to convey the news in a concise and polite manner. *
If you're hesitant to announce it on social media, that’s okay; however, if you have a large group of friends invited to the wedding reception, it seems kinder to give everyone a heads-up on social media instead of keeping it completely private. ◎

It's best to act promptly! ♡ Keep the order and methods in mind while announcing your engagement. *
Marriage is a major life event, and it’s big news for those around you as well. * Make sure to think of others to announce your engagement respectfully. ♡ Everyone will surely celebrate your news with a smile! ♩
➡ It's easy to create engagement announcement postcards using an app ♩