Excitement and Anticipation: The Charm of Bouquet Pulls as an Alternative to Bouquet Toss ♩*

2017.03.20 published
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Instead of bouquet toss, let's do bouquet pulls!*

Bouquet pulls as an alternative to bouquet toss: The bouquet toss is known as a way for the bride to share happiness with single women, but in recent years, bouquet pulls have been trending as an alternative◎

Bouquet pulls involve guests holding onto many ribbons attached to the bouquet, and everyone pulls the ribbons at the same time, with one ribbon connected to the bouquet itself♡

In other words, instead of throwing the bouquet, it is presented in a lottery format◎

Unlike bouquet tosses, bouquet pulls eliminate the possibility of the bouquet falling to the ground and allow guests to participate more casually, which is a fantastic benefit* This time, we will introduce the charm of bouquet pulls♩

Charm of bouquet pulls ① The bouquet won’t fall to the ground

The biggest charm of bouquet pulls is that the bouquet won’t fall to the ground* Since bouquet tosses involve throwing, there’s a chance that no one will catch it and it falls to the ground, which can lead to unexpected situations.

Of course, most of the time, someone picks it up immediately, so it’s not a big deal if it falls, but if there’s a method to avoid it falling, that’s the best option!

With bouquet pulls, since the bouquet isn’t thrown, there’s absolutely no chance of it falling to the ground◎

Charm of bouquet pulls ② Possible with hard-to-throw items

Bouquet pulls don’t involve throwing the bouquet, so it’s possible to present items that are difficult to toss◎ For example, a large fresh flower bouquet is usually impractical for tossing, so small simplified bouquets are often used instead.

However, with bouquet pulls, there’s no need to throw, so even larger bouquets are fine, and you can also present other large items that can’t be thrown♩ There have even been brides who presented large home appliances instead of a bouquet...!

Bouquet pulls are also handy for presenting practical items other than bouquets♩

Charm of bouquet pulls ③ Easy for guests to participate

One of the charms of bouquet pulls is that it’s easy for guests to participate♡ Since bouquet tosses are aimed at single women, if there are many married guests, some may feel embarrassed to step forward or might think, “It feels a bit desperate for marriage.”

However, with bouquet pulls, it’s mostly the bride calling out her friends’ names* This means guests aren’t stepping forward on their own; they’re being called by the bride, making it much easier to step forward◎

Unlike bouquet tosses where the person in front can easily grab the bouquet, or a scramble occurs leading to it dropping, there’s no need to worry about that at all! Since it’s a lottery system, it can be purely based on luck♡

Charm of bouquet pulls ④ Even if you miss, you can still receive a charm

One ribbon of the bouquet pulls is attached to the bouquet (sometimes there are three ribbons attached to the bouquet♡), and even if you don’t win, you can receive a charm at the end of the ribbon, which is delightful♩

With bouquet tosses, if you participate but don’t catch it, you don’t receive anything; however, with bouquet pulls, even if you don’t catch it, you still get a charm, making you feel warm and happy*

There was even a bride who prepared handmade smartphone earphone jack keychains♡ It’s a wonderful gift filled with the bride's feelings♩

Charm of bouquet pulls ⑤ You can arrange for someone specific to win!

Finally, the charm of bouquet pulls that we would like to introduce (though we can’t say it too loudly) is that you can arrange for one of the winning ribbons to go to a specific person◎

If you ask the staff at the wedding venue in advance, they might be able to ensure that a winning ribbon corresponds to a specific friend*

It's been known that some brides arrange for a winning ribbon for very close friends or friends who might be getting proposed to soon◎

Unlike bouquet tosses, which are entirely based on luck, bouquet pulls allow you to give to someone you specifically want to win. So if you have someone in mind, consult the staff about it♡

[Excitement] Let’s try bouquet pulls!♩

We shared the charms of the exciting bouquet pulls* Bouquet pulls won’t fall to the ground, allow you to present various gifts, make it easy for guests to step forward, and offer many different charms compared to bouquet tosses◎

Be sure to incorporate bouquet pulls into your wedding performance♩

➡ You can find the article about bouquet toss here*

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