"Like a Waterfall, Shimmering Tape Cascades Down: Flower Showers and the Chic 'Cracker Shower'"

2017.03.27 published
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Cracker Shower is Wonderful ♡

Have you ever actually seen a cracker shower??

It's truly wonderful to celebrate a ceremony with a wedding shower after the vows, using those crackers that go bang during surprises and celebrations! ♡

This is what a Cracker Shower looks like ♡

Here’s the scene of the cracker shower*

Guests attending the ceremony hold crackers instead of flower petals or confetti, and when the newlyweds walk by, they all fire them off with a bang!

This creates such a sparkling and wonderful photo opportunity! ♡

This is how it looks from the front ♡

Whether it’s a photo from the front or the back, it’s all so festive and celebratory, especially popular among couples having original or concept weddings like ceremonies held in the presence of guests.*

If you use party crackers with long gold streamers, it gives a shimmering impression like in the photo above, but you can also create a vibrant and colorful cracker shower with various colored streamers ♡

There is also a performance where the newlyweds pop crackers instead of traditional candle services or balloon sparks at the reception.

Everyone might be surprised, and it's a beautiful and very unique display! *

Would you like to try a Cracker Shower???

A cracker shower is dazzling and very lovely ♡

After the ceremony, there are various types of wedding showers like flower showers, star showers, pearl showers, and bubble showers, but

a cracker shower is beautiful too, so please consider it as one of your options! ♡

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