Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩のトップ画像

Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩

2017.04.19 published
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Do you know the English names for wedding items?

Recently, many brides have been DIY-ing their wedding welcome items and paper items, haven't they?*

But while making DIY items, have you ever had this question pop into your mind?

“Wait, how do I write the English name for the seating chart...?”

Yes, it's quite common to forget the English names and spellings.

Of course, in DIY projects, you have the freedom to write things in Japanese as they are,

but there are times when you want to match the atmosphere and image of the ceremony with English, right?♩

Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩にて紹介している画像

So, here are some wedding phrases that are often written in English when DIY-ing items.

Basic Items

◆ Wedding ceremony = Wedding ceremony

◆ Wedding reception = Wedding reception Note that the word "party", meaning a group, is not used overseas for the ceremony and reception, so be cautious.*

◆ After wedding party = After wedding party

◆ Bride and Groom = Bride and Groom English writing starts with Bride, doesn't it?*

Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩にて紹介している画像

Paper Items

◆ Invitation = Invitation / Invitation card

◆ Seating chart = Seating list / Seating chart / Seating table There seem to be a few options!*

◆ Greeting = Greeting A common phrase when writing a greeting in the profile book!

◆ Timeline = Time line / Schedule

Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩にて紹介している画像

Wedding Items

◆ Wedding certificate = Wedding certificate This might be a bit difficult!*

◆ Wedding gift = Wedding Gift / Thank you for coming gift

◆ Name plate = Name Plate

◆ Dress color guessing game = Do you think the bride's dress color? / What color is the dress? Just add the question "What color do you think the dress is?" and it's good to go!♩

Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩にて紹介している画像

Let's check English words that pique your interest♩

How was that?* We introduced some wedding phrases that you might find surprisingly difficult in terms of spelling or English names when DIY-ing wedding items.

Be sure to clarify any English words that you're unsure of, and don't leave them ambiguous.♩

May your stylish English DIY items be completed successfully!*

Can You Say "Seating Chart" in English? A Summary of Wedding Item Vocabulary That Might Surprise You with Its Spelling ♩にて紹介している画像

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